Home & Garden

3 Key Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Are you looking for ways to make your home more energy-efficient this year? There are tons of things you can do with your home to save tons of money on energy costs while also making your home more environmentally friendly.

For some tips on working towards energy savings at home, keep reading. In this guide, we will let you in on things both big and small that you can do to make your home more energy-efficient, allowing for repairs or additions that will provide a great return on investment.

3 Key Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

  1. Insulation Is Key

Insulating areas like your roof and your walls is a great way to keep your heating and cooling costs down. Adding a layer of insulation to areas like your loft or attic can make a huge difference and are also an incredibly cost-effective energy-saving method. Additionally, adding insulation to your walls, whether they are cavity or solid, can also make a huge difference.

Without proper insulation, you could be losing tons of heating and cooling through your walls and roofing, which can make your energy bill spike like crazy. Not to mention, this makes your HVAC unit work harder, putting wear on this costly unit. Another area you want to focus on insulation is your windows.

This is one of the most effective ways you can insulate your home and it’s also the easiest. This can help you avoid drafts that your heating and cooling can leak out of, while also bringing unwanted temperatures in. Investing in things like double-glazed windows can not only save you money but can also help to keep your home comfortable.

  1. Save With Solar Energy

Installing solar panels is another great return on investment. Not only can it save you money on your energy bill, paying for itself over the years, but it can also increase the value of your home when it comes time to sell.

The price of solar panel installation will depend on the size of your roof, but it’s best to see if there are grants or incentives for solar panel installation in your area. To learn more head to this site from Blue Raven Solar.

  1. Keep an Eye on the Little Things

There are certain things you may be overlooking that seem small but can have a huge effect on the energy efficiency of your home. Small changes can make a big difference, such as turning off appliances, lighting, and fans in rooms when you leave them. Many of these small changes are habits, whereas others can result from small eco-friendly updates, such as a water-saving showerhead.

Things like turning your thermostat down when you leave the house, or unplugging appliances you are not currently using can all work to cut down your energy costs and usage.

Tips for Energy Savings at Home

Whether you are hoping to cut down on your utility costs, or are hoping to decrease your carbon footprint, these actions start at home. Keep these tips for energy savings at home to do your part starting today.

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