Home & Garden

How Deadly are Brown Recluse Spiders?

Brown recluse spiders are often found in warmer climates. The largest population of Brown recluse spiders can be found in the central and southern United States. They usually reside in warm, dark, secluded areas such as under or near rocks, wood and leafy terrain. They can also be found in the home, behind or under appliances or in covered areas.

These spiders have a reputation for being extremely deadly and it is often advised that brown recluse bites should be treated as a medical emergency.

How Deadly are Brown Recluse Spiders?

What Does a Brown Recluse Spider Look Like?

To avoid being bitten by a brown recluse spider it is vital that you are fully aware of what they look like. One way to identify a brown recluse spider is to check for a special mark on its back. The mark resembles an upside-down violin shape. The mark is often dark brown, almost black, they also have six eyes which is another clue.

Brown recluse spiders have a smooth appearance, with no hair and they are approximately ½ an inch in size.

Are Brown Recluse Spiders Dangerous?

There are a number of reasons why brown recluse spiders are often seen as dangerous or deadly. Here are three major reasons why you should be careful of brown recluse spiders:

They Bite

Brown recluse spiders bite but how serious are their bites? Brown recluse spider bites destroy the tissue and their venom is known as necrotic venom, which means that it destroys surrounding skin tissue however, often wounds heal on their own and they rarely cause significant damage.

If you do suspect that you have been bitten by a brown recluse spider, you should see a doctor or medical professional as soon as possible.

Often brown recluse spider bites cause pain, nausea, and ulcerative wounds. A serious bite might result in severe seizures, but this is quite rare.

They Hide

Brown recluse spiders are very skilled at playing hide and seek. They can survive for up to 6 months with very little food. They also reproduce rapidly which is bad news for your home as one or two unchecked spiders could create an infestation problem very quickly. If you do suspect that you have an infestation problem, you might want to call in the experts to carry out a brown recluse extermination.

They Are Fast

Brown recluse spiders are extremely fast however, they like to be left alone therefore, if they spot a human or any other creature, they often run away. They only bite if they are trapped and find it difficult to maneuver. Therefore, if you are very close to a brown recluse spider, remember they move quickly when they want to bite.

How to Prevent Brown Recluse Bites

The best way of avoiding brown recluse bites is to prevent them from coming into your home in the first place. However, if they do get in, use insect repellents and set traps, this will help to reduce the number of spiders in your home.

Here are some steps that you can take to prevent them from entering in the first place:

-Clean garbage and debris from your backyard, get rid of unwanted items in your basement.

-Keep your house tidy, no clothes and other unnecessary items on the floor, they can hide underneath clothing and other items.

-When cleaning, be cautious and wear protective gloves

-Shake out your clothing before wearing it

-Check your shoes before putting them on

Symptoms of a Brown Recluse Spider Bite

Brown recluse spider bites are usually painless from the onset. You often don’t feel the initial bite so might not be aware that you got bitten in the first place. Symptoms don’t manifest until several hours later, you might eventually start to experience pain, itching and possibly a burning sensation. You might also notice some redness and a tiny white blister.

You might also experience the following symptoms




-Tiny red bumps on the surface of the skin

-Excessive sweating

After about a day, you might notice a change in skin colour around the area, often a blueish purple colour, resembling a bruise.

What to do if you get bitten

Visit the emergency room or speak to a medical professional straight away. If you can, trap the spider in a transparent container and take it with you. You can also treat the bite yourself before you get to the hospital.

Do the following:

-Clean the bite with warm water and soap

-Keep your arm or leg raised (wherever the bite is)

-Use a cold compress and keep it on for 10 to 15 minutes at a time.

That question again, are brown recluse spiders dangerous? They can be however, if you catch a bite quick enough, you should recover quickly. Leaving a bite unchecked could be deadly however, brown recluse spider bites often heal on their own. It’s always best to speak to a medical professional or visit the hospital if you suspect that you have been bitten by a brown recluse spider.