Health & Fitness

Health Tips: How Using CBD Helps Sleep At Night

Insomnia, or any other sleep depravity related ailment, is already pretty common nowadays. With the rising number of sleep-deprived individuals in the society, the search for solutions and cure to insomnia has been a top priority for both people with the condition and medical practitioners.

Health Tips: How Using CBD Helps Sleep At Night

How Does CBD Help Your Sleep? 

It’s no news that CBD is the health supplement rave of the day. Everywhere you turn, there’s a new proposed health function of CBD — propositions that have proven to be reliable and functional. 

Whatever the case may be, many CBD users believe and approve of CBD as a solution to all sleep-related issues, like insomnia. 

If you’re wondering how it works, here are some ways CBD help give you a good night’s sleep:


  • Relieving Pain And Discomfort 

One of the most beneficial health benefits of CBD is its ability to relieve pain and discomfort. CBD can significantly reduce intense pains (acute or chronic pains), such as pains related to cancer, acute inflammations, arthritis, and neuropathic pains, etc. 

Chronic pain can affect the quality of life; people who suffer from chronic pain often struggle to find sleep. Thus, if constant pain and discomfort in the body are one of the factors of sleep deprivation, tackling it can help you get that sleep you deserve once and for all. 

By targeting the cannabinoid receiving system in the body — the endocannabinoids — ingested CBD, like that from, will reduce pain and discomfort, giving the body the chance to relax and settle, and enter into the state of restful sleep without hindrance and discomfort. 


  • Reducing Anxiety  

There’s no direct way in which CBD acts on sleep improvement in the body. Instead, it tackles the main causal factors of sleep deprivation, one of which is anxiety. 

CBD is popularly known for its effectiveness in treating anxiety and stress. This is because it targets the stress-related hormone — cortisol, which heightens anxiety feelings in the mind. 

By regulating cortisol, CBD not only relieves the mind of the pressure of stress and anxiety but also ensures that the mind and brain are settled and remains in a calm and relaxed state that’ll make falling asleep faster. 


  • Dealing With Restless Night Sleeps And Nightmares 

People who have Parkinson’s Disease — very much associated with the disorder in the (REM) Rapid Eye Movement — also suffer from REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD).

RBD occurs in a state where the patient acts out while asleep in response to their dreams, that is, having a very restless night. In this case, CBD can help the body to calm down by treating the RBD and REM disorder, thereby giving the patient a more restful sleep.


  • Helping With Wakefulness

Another sleep-related issue is grogginess, which is not directly related to sleep but comes from a lack of it.

As a natural solution, CBD helps the body stay in a state of wakefulness by regulating the body’s inner sleep and wake cycle/clock. Grogginess, insomnia, and daytime sleepiness are some of the factors that reduce a person’s productivity. This, in turn, leads to mounting stress and lousy night sleep. 

To avoid such a vicious cycle, CBD can help tackle the root problems by regulating one’s body clock, ensuring wakefulness during the day, and a relaxed state of mind to aid sleep during the nighttime. 


  • Aiding Mental Stability 

Apart from anxiety that can affect a person’s sleep, there’s still a wide variety of mental disorders. Some conditions, such as depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), amongst others, can cause sleep deprivation and are prevalent among most adults today. 

CBD is an anti-depressant depressant and also works great for anxiety relief. As mentioned, ingested cannabinoid targets the endocannabinoid system by releasing serotonin and also regulate cortisol levels in the body’s system. By so doing, the body is more relaxed and less prone to suffer from REM sleep disturbances and even PTSD.  


  • Treating Insomnia 

Insomnia is a widespread sleep disorder and is much more common than many would believe. Asides from totally depriving the individual of restful sleep, insomnia keeps the mind restless and makes the body grow weak over time. 

Fortunately, CBD can help people with insomnia by increasing the total amount of sleep a person gets and also reduce any factor that can shorten or interrupt the person’s sleep.

Furthermore, CBD helps people with sleep disorders to get more sleep by reducing the amount of time it takes to fall asleep. At the same time, CBD instigates deeper and more restful sleep.

How Using CBD Helps Sleep At Night


As one of the most researched, new-age medical revelations, CBD has proven to be quite useful in many fields, one of which is to help people with sleep disorders sleep better. By tackling the causal factors of sleep deprivation, such as anxiety, pain, mental disorders, and insomnia, CBD helps guarantee a good night’s rest without any significant adverse effects.