Health & Fitness

Alternative Home Medicines to Help With Your Aches and Pains

As we grow older, our bodies begin to show signs of wear and tear. Whether that reveals itself in the natural onset of wrinkles, a new medicinal requirement, or the development of aches and pains, we slowly, over time, become aware that we need to take more care of ourselves than we did when we were young. This article focuses specifically on aches and pains, taking you through some of the alternative remedies to try at home if you’ve exhausted the medical route or to use in combination with medical treatment.

Alternative Home Medicines to Help With Your Aches and Pains

Medicine Balls

While your doctor may have advised you to perform certain exercises in order to help with your aches and pains, they’re not a physiotherapist. Your doctor will recommend exercise to strengthen your muscles, but they won’t tell you how or where to perform this exercise. This can leave you a little lost and frustrated – and considering an expensive physio treatment.

The alternative – and something you can easily use from home – is the medicine ball. These inflatable balls are the perfect apparatus targeting sensitive parts of your body by repeatedly rolling them over the ball, enabling the release of trapped lactic acid and the movement of muscles and joints that ache. You can look up the right movements to perform on YouTube, or through blogs and websites that cater towards your particular pain.

CBD Products

Newly legal, CBD products are receiving rave reviews across the world for their liberating effects on sufferers of chronic illnesses. While research is ongoing and, so far, inconclusive, there have been examples of individuals with severe chronic pain, arthritis, and Parkinson’s disease all reporting remarkable improvements after having taken CBD products. It’s time you tried these remedies for yourself.

The simplest way to try these products is in their retail format, which are guaranteed to be safe when you ingest the product. But if you prefer a more hands-on approach, you can also buy certified CBD seeds online, which you can plant yourself and watch grow. Don’t turn your nose up at these remedies – they may just be your pathway to feeling better after years of struggling with aches and pains.

Essential Oils

Finally, there are many essential oils available on the market today. These oils come in various formats for various requirements, and are said to target different regions of the body, or different issues in your overall health. You can find these oils in most health stores – just like CBD oil.

The best thing about these oils is that they’re relaxing and meditative. You can use them in the bath, by simply dropping a splash into the water as you get in. Or you can place a little on your pillow for when you go to sleep. Combining the oils with a relaxing activity is the perfect way to unwind and attempt to relieve the pain that’s bothering you.

These three options are all choices you can make for yourself and in your own home to attempt to resolve your difficult and disruptive aches and pains.