Health & Fitness

Best Exercise for Overall Health: Look No Further!

Improving your overall health is as easy as one, two, get active. Any physical activity is beneficial to your overall health. You don’t need to train like a madman for 3 hours a day to reap the benefits of a good workout. Here is the ultimate quick guide to some of the best exercises you can use to improve your overall health.

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Balance is Vital

Most things in life depend on a balance or maintaining a balance. It is essential to stay healthy and balanced when it comes to exercise. Many people will tell you they prefer a particular kind of exercise, whether it is pure cardio or strictly strength training; maintaining a balance between them is vital for the best overall health.

Experts say that you need at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise is essential: you can split into segments throughout the week.

The Benefits of Exercise

Motivation is key to success; exercising is no different. The benefits of getting regular exercise are:

  • Weight loss – If your goal is to lose weight, regular exercise is vital. It can speed up the process as well as keep your heart functioning properly.
  • Muscle strength – Strengthening your muscles is perhaps one of the best benefits of getting active. Stronger muscles can help you age better and reduces your risk of injury.
  • Quality of life – Functional training can help you function better in every aspect of life. Most strength training exercises target large muscle groups you need for everyday life, from picking your children to carrying heavy objects.
  • Better aging – Studies have shown that keeping a schedule with regular physical activities can reduce age-related stress on the body and reduce the risk of injury and falls.
  • Improved health – The heart is a muscle, and it pumps vital oxygen-rich blood throughout the body; most exercise improves your heart health as well. As your fitness improves, so will your overall health. Lowered blood sugar and pressure levels are just some of the health benefits.
  • Improved balance – Clumsy clutzes might benefit from an hour or two of exercise per week. Flexibility training, for example, tai chi or yoga, is excellent for improving balance on a hormonal and physical level.
  • Mental health – Exercise is proven to lift your mood; getting active can increase the release of feel-good chemicals and is one of nature’s best anti-depressants. Getting your heart rate up and your lungs full of oxygen can improve your mood almost instantly and stay lifted for hours post-workout.

Strength Training

Also known as weight/resistance training, strength training is one of the best ways to help you keep up with your fitness goals. You can tailor your weight training program to target individual muscle groups in your body that need improving.

You don’t need a full gym studio or a range of machines and weights; you can perform strength exercises with your body weight and resistance bands (check these Victorem ones out).

Lower Body Exercises

The lower body is vital for mobility; strong legs and core are needed for almost every movement. These are some great lower body exercises:

  • Lateral lunges – For improved stability, balance, and strength, lateral lunges does it all from firming your inner thighs and reducing cellulite visibility.
  • Bodyweight squats – Squats are great for fat burning and glute toning. They improve your posture and strengthen your lower back.
  • Deadlifts Deadlifts improve both core strength and stability. Deadlifts target all of the major muscle groups that span from the legs, back, and core; deadlifts are among the most valuable exercises you can add.

Best Exercises for the Upper Body 

Upper body power is vital for improved posture, core stability, and reduced body pain.

  • Banded Bicep curls – stronger arms help everyday life, from picking things up and opening things.
  • Banded pull-apart – are excellent for releasing tension in the shoulders and improving posture and joint pain in the arms and shoulders.
  • Plank – The humble plank is perfect for core strength and stability; it helps align your back and spine for better everyday health.

Yoga and Tai Chi

Flexibility exercises such as the ancient Chinese martial art – Tai Chi, and the Indian practice of yoga are excellent for overall health. Try adding a 10-minute sun salutation to your mornings before work for a boost of energy. Some of the benefits include:

  • Improved balance – Yoga is one of the best ways to improve your balance.
  • Flexibility – Both practices are excellent for increasing flexibility and creating overall strength in the muscles surrounding the joints.
  • Muscle-strengthening – Tai Chi and Yoga might be gentle; they do develop stronger muscles and bones.
  • Releases tension and stress – Any mind and body practice is fantastic for stress relief; a happy state of mind does wonders for your health.
  • Better sleep – Yoga before bed can help release tension built up throughout the day for a good night’s rest.

High-Intensity Interval Training

Improving your heart health is vital to lowering your risk of heart disease. HIIT cardio is an excellent way to get fit. All you need is 30-minutes twice a week to start burning fat while you improve your heart health.

HIIT sprints and cycling classes or even Zumba are excellent examples of cardio that you can include. You will never get bored of a HIIT session, that is for sure!

Low-Intensity Cardio

If you struggle with joint problems, some low-intensity options are excellent at keeping you healthy even if you don’t get the time to do a full workout.

  • Walking: A brisk walk around the block with your dog can help combat back pain and improve your heart.
  • Swimming -Heart health and joint support all in one; swimming or water aerobics is a great way to rehabilitate any injuries and improve your cardiovascular health.
  • Cycling – a light cycle to work is a great way to get in some exercise without even feeling like a workout.

Start one Step at a Time

Starting easy is the way to go when it comes to getting your weekly exercise in. Speak to a personal trainer to assess your fitness level and map out the best exercise plan for your health. As your fitness levels improve, so will your health and confidence. Staying active is the best way to improve your mood as well as your health.