Holidays & Seasons

Careful Gifting: 5 Gifts That Might Seem Insulting

Have you ever received a gift that made you feel more upset than delighted? Although you probably knew deep down that your loved one or friend didn’t mean anything negative when they bought the present, some gifts come across as more insulting than others.

The good news is that if you’re close enough with a friend or family member, you shouldn’t have to worry too much about a gift seeming insulting. Most people in your close circle will question your intent, and you can explain in a way that makes them feel better.

Gifts from a special someone are priceless, yet a pricey gift won’t harm anybody

On the other hand, if you’re giving something to someone new in your life, or a person who you’re still building a relationship with, then the wrong gift could seriously set you back a step.

Here are a few things that might seem insulting.

1.    Something Cheap

You know it’s the thought that counts when it comes to gifting, but that doesn’t mean you should focus on spending as little as possible (and making it obvious). It’s fine to get something that seems expensive but was purchased (or made) on a budget. The problem arises when it’s glaringly obvious that you’ve just bought the cheapest item you can find such as these sub £10 ideas from UKGifts.

Buying an obviously cheap gift means that not only do you not think the occasion is worth very much, but you haven’t even tried to pass the item off as something with a little more value. Your friends and loved ones deserve a little better than that.

2.    Self-Help Books/Apps/Videos

It’s not up to you to decide when someone else in your life makes an important change. Whether your friend is going through something difficult with their relationship, or they need help managing an addiction, it’s up to them to determine what they’re going to do about it. You are offering something like a book or a self-help video as a present indicates that you have a better idea of what they’re going through, and how they should fix it, than they do.

While there’s nothing wrong with empathising with your friend, buying a self-help gift because it helped you in the past can seem a little condescending.

3.    A Gift That Addresses a Flaw

We all have things in our life that we’re a little more sensitive about. Some people don’t like their weight, while others don’t like certain aspects of their appearance. However, it’s up to our friends and family members to convince us that those flaws aren’t really a problem at all. If you get someone a gift that focuses on fixing a flaw they think they have, this is essentially you agreeing that they do have a problem that needs to be rectified.

Getting someone a gym membership because they struggle with their weight is an insulting gift unless that person specifically asks for the present. It’s the same as buying someone a nose job just because they’re unhappy with their nose.

4.    A Second-Hand Gift

A second-hand gift is only option in certain occasions. With that in mind, try to avoid passing off any of the old items you’ve received from other people as new presents. Regifting something means that you won’t have taken the time to really think about the kind of gifts that your friend or loved one might like most. When you re-gift an item, you also run the risk that someone who give you that product to begin with will find out that you’ve simply given it away.

To avoid insulting everyone, stick with buying something new every time. Even if you think someone else would love a present you don’t like, it’s better off to buy a new version unless you know for certain that no-one will ever find out the gift was second hand.

5.    Personal Hygiene Presents

There are gifts you can get in the personal hygiene world that are acceptable, such as bath bombs and spa items for people who love treating themselves in the bath. However, for the most part, you should stay away from this area entirely. Buying your boyfriend a nose hair trimmer isn’t a good idea – even if that nose hair is getting out of control.

Unless he specifically asks for one of these products, you buying it is a sign that you’ve noticed a problem he might not be aware of. This can lead to some serious self esteem issues for the person who you were trying to be kind to. Be careful, and only gift these products when you’re absolutely sure.