Beauty & Fashion

Three Ways That You’ve Been Sabotaging Your Own Skincare Routine

Nailing down a perfect skincare routine is so hard. When you think about finding the right products, defining your goals, and even making a skincare habit stick, it can be tricky. Plus, there’s so much that you can do to accidentally sabotage all your best efforts and end up irritating your skin.

Read on to find out some of the most common skincare mistakes so that you can avoid them.

Three Ways That You’ve Been Sabotaging Your Own Skincare Routine

1. You’re Not Nourishing Your Body

One of the easiest ways to mess up your skin is by not giving yourself all the vitamins and minerals you need to help glow from the inside. Most women’s diets lack the things to nourish their body and, in particular, their skin. After all, even with a healthy diet, it can be hard for our bodies to absorb all the nutrients they need without a little help. 

That’s why taking a simple multivitamin every day can help your skin glow and make you healthier all-around. There are more and more vitamin options on the market built specifically with women’s needs. In fact, there are vegan women’s multivitamin formulations, such as these from SugarBearHair, so that no lady has to have dull lackluster skin.

2. You’re Picking Skin Care Products That Have Counteracting Ingredients 

Another way you could be sabotaging your skincare routine is if you’re picking products with active ingredients that counteract each other. Believe it or not, many common products that fight different issues like redness, fine lines, and acne often are formulated as if they are the only specialty product in a skincare routine. So, when these products are used in conjunction with others, they become much less effective. 

For example, products with vitamin C often counteract the effects of products that contain Benzyl Peroxide. Meaning if you put them on at the same time, you end up spending a ton of money to water down what you’ve applied. Other popular sets of ingredients at odds include salicylic acid and glycolic acid, and even vitamin C and copper peptides. That’s why it’s so important to do your research before adding a new product into your beauty routine

If you’d like to use products that contain active ingredients that counteract each, you still can! Just not put them on the same day. Then you’ll be able to reap the benefits of both products without damaging your routine. Plus, be sure to introduce each product slowly into your routine to avoid any irritation. And as always, be sure to consult a dermatologist if you’re experiencing any irritation as a result of combining products.

3. You’re Not Using Sunscreen 

Lastly, one of the most common mistakes in a skincare routine is dismissing the importance of sunscreen. Without sunscreen, you could be setting yourself up for long-term skin damage and even the threat of cancer. Sun damage rapidly ages you and destroys your skin’s ability to repair itself over the years.

Scientists now say even if you’re indoors if you sit by a window all day you should consider putting on sunscreen to avoid the intense damage of UVA and UVB rays. Altogether, simply applying the stuff could have you looking good for much longer in your life so don’t skip your sunscreen.

In The End

All in all, your beauty routine doesn’t have to be stressful, and you don’t have to sabotage yourself either. Stay focused on glowing from the inside, and you’re sure to feel good no matter what you’re wearing. But don’t underestimate protecting your skin, nourishing your body, and paying attention to ingredients so that your hard work doesn’t go to waste.