Beauty & Fashion

How to Take Care of Your Skin Health in A Natural Way

We live in a world that has come a long way in respect to technological and developmental uplift but when it comes to the natural ambiance, we have shamed ourselves in the most convenient ways possible. We gradually prefer the artificial stuff in every arena of life rather than choosing the organic path, thereby making it more terrible in the years to come.

How to Take Care of Your Skin Health in A Natural Way

Apart from every other thing that we choose to be artificial, taking care of our skin health also falls into the same category. We prefer all kinds of chemical products or go for cheapest cosmetic surgery abroad to enhance our looks but we fail to understand that it may look good on us for a certain period but on the long run the aftereffects are not always convincing. Thus, we need to know about the organic ways to deal with the health of our skin rather than relying on the artificial means.

Read on to know the natural means to a healthier skin:


  • Honey pastes– honey, as we all know, has numerous health benefits in it. Likewise, it also provides a healthy touch to our skin health which helps us increase the natural glow of our skin. The procedures to use raw honey in building a good skin health are many, but it also works wonder when mixed with other substances. We can use honey to make pastes with coconut oil, jojoba oil, baking soda, olive oil, lukewarm water and many more. The anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial properties in raw honey help in enhancing our skin health in several ways. It cleanses pores, exfoliates, moisturizes, treats acne and scars in our skin and heals it from within and makes it glowing in appearance.


  • Healthy eating– many people do not know that a healthy diet contributes a lot to our skin health thereby causing tremendous damage to their skin by unhealthy eating habits. A diet which is full of vitamin a and c, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, etc. proves to be very beneficial for skin health. The food that must be regularly included in our meals to get a healthy skin are carrots, citrus fruits, almond butter, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, avocados among others.


  • Turmeric paste– turmeric has a natural way of healing our skin from the inside and giving it a glow which we crave for. It has properties like anti-inflammatory which results in reducing acne breakouts and thus clears our skin in a genuine manner.


  • Aloe Vera gel– this natural substance contains hormones gibberellins and auxins which are high in anti-inflammatory properties. Hence it proves to be a great source of reducing skin inflammation, curing chronic skin troubles like eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc. and also helps in healing skin wounds dramatically. That is why it is used massively in Ayurveda and natural medicines of skin healing across the world.


  • Papaya– this fruit contains vitamin a and the enzyme papain which is beneficial for skin health. Not only consuming it raw but also applying it as face mask rejuvenates the skin, remove the dead cells, makes the skin hydrated and allows your skin to glow proficiently.


  • Banana paste– this is another fruit which has umpteen benefits in it. As bananas are rich in vitamin A, B, C and E in addition to minerals, they work wonders in hydrating the skin and make it softer and naturally glowing. The paste can be made using ripe bananas and milk that must be applied in the face and be left for some time to show its effects.


  • Green tea leaves– green tea when consumed daily proves to be beneficial for our overall health. But when it comes to getting a healthier skin, the paste of its leaves along with water, cream and brown sugar helps in maintaining elasticity of our skin and makes it glow. The flavonoids present in green tea leaves are beneficial for our skin health. The leaves must be boiled in water and cooled down after it imparts color; then mixed with the remaining ingredients and rinsed after some time.

The takeaway

There is no one in this world who doesn’t love to look good and more so if they are at their young age. So, people (mainly women) try several ways to enhance their looks so that that they can be appealing towards others. There is no substitute for organic ways to upgrade your skin health as it brings about the original quality that your skin possesses and thus prevent the chemical cosmetics from harming your skin. When you don a naturally glowing skin, it automatically makes you look attractive than what the tons of makeup or cosmetic procedures may bring out. Therefore, choose your products wisely and keep it natural as much as possible.