Beauty & Fashion

4 Steps of a Minimal But Healthy Skincare Regimen

With all the noise out there about multi-step skin care products and various routines, it’s easy to feel lost and overwhelmed at times. Skin care is supposed to be fun and relaxing, not stressful and overcomplicated. In fact, according to skin care experts, layering on too many products may do more harm than good to your skin! People often end up combining products that don’t work well together because of their different formulations. This in turn leads to even more problems; such as dryness, irritation, and recurring breakouts.

4 Steps of a Minimal But Healthy Skincare Regimen

That being said, you might be wondering which skin care regimen you should really be following. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered with these simple yet effective steps:

1. Cleanse without overdoing it

The first step of any healthy skin care regimen would be to clean the skin of course! Use a daily gentle cleanser, such as the Skin Regimen cleansing cream, to avoid stripping your skin of its natural oils. Don’t rub or pull your skin too hard. Instead, massage your face with light circular motions to prevent irritation and redness.

2. Exfoliate

First thing’s first – don’t exfoliate too often and don’t scrub your face vigorously, or else your skin could end up dehydrated and damaged. Exfoliating with a gentle formula once or twice a week gets rid of the dead cells, as well as accumulated dirt and grime, to reveal brighter and smoother skin.

3. Choose a suitable serum

Use a serum with antioxidants to fight free radicals and inhibit oxidation during the day (free radicals and reactive oxygen in the environment can lead to premature ageing and even skin cancer!)

Pro Tip: For night time, it’s best to use a repairing, retinol based serum to boost collagen production and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

4. Moisturise with a sunscreen

This is one of the most crucial steps of a healthy skin care regimen. Apply a moisturising sunscreen during the day to protect your skin from those damaging UV rays (take extra care around the eye area). It’s best to use a sunscreen with a minimum of 30 SPF, at least 30 minutes before going out. If you have oily skin, choose a light water-based sunscreen to avoid a greasy look.

For night time, opt for a simple moisturiser (you don’t need a sunscreen), such as a hydrating gel or cream. And don’t forget the golden rule – always use products that are meant for your skin type so that you can get the best possible results!

Not too complicated right? Include these steps in your skincare regimen for a healthier more beautiful skin!