Beauty & Fashion

Easy Night Time Routine for Skincare

Taking care of your skin my seem like a hassle when you first get into it, however once you establish a skincare routine you are not only keeping your skin protected, but you are also giving it the extra nourishment and care that will help you maintain a youthful complexion. Committing some time every day is an investment into your skin and beauty. Many people do give a basic skincare routine for their mornings, however making an extra investment of time and attention and establishing a night time routine is essential for letting your skin heal, repair and freshen up.

Easy Night Time Routine for Skincare

Commit to making time to invest in taking care of your skin each morning and at night, and your skin will be clear, blemish-free and people will ask you for tips on how to look pretty with bare naked skin. If you follow these six simple steps every night, you will see the difference soon.

Step 1: Always Remove All Makeup
You must carefully remove every scrap of remnant makeup from your skin and clean it so your skin can breathe. You should be extra careful around your eyes as your eye skin is very sensitive. The skin around the eyes is also the first that shows signs of aging so never scrub or tug at this area. You should use saturate dissolving eye makeup remover in makeup wipes and use them in gentle motions to remove your makeup.

Step 2: Cleanse Your Skin
Once you have removed your makeup, use a water-based cleanser to deep cleanse your skin. This is a necessary step to remove any free radical damaging agents from your skin. If you use a lot of makeup products on your face during the day you should clean with a water based and oil-based cleanser at the end of the day. Cerave or Cetaphil would perfectly if you are looking for any recommendation.

Step 3: Tone Your Skin
Toner is a really good product for your skin. A good toner will balance out the pH of your skin and prepare it for the onslaught of ingredients and formulas that we put on it. Always apply toner on clean and dry skin. The right way to apply toner is to use an amount roughly the size of a quarter applied by pressing the product on your face with your fingers, not rubbing it with a cotton ball.

Step 4: Use a Nourishing Serum
Applying serum is a step that can be customized according to everyone’s own skin needs. The kind of serum you select depends on whatever or any issues you may be having with your skin. A good way to go about it is to choose something that has hydration and regeneration properties for your night routine, and choose something with antioxidants for the day.

Step 5: Lock It In With Oil
Skin naturally produces sebum that will clog your pores and lead to enlarged pores, breakouts, and blackheads. This is especially true for people with oily skin. To help your skin combat this phenomenon you should use a thin application of natural oil. The oil helps to lock in the moisture in your skin and provides additional moisture.

Step 6: Use Night Cream
Finally seal in the benefits of all previous steps with a good night cream. A night cream is the most important step in your night time routine. Choose one that is suitable for your skin type for instance avoid thick heavy creams if you have naturally oily skin, or if you live in a humid climate.

What is your go to night care regimen?