Beauty & Fashion

8 Ways to Treat Your Skin Properly

You probably aren’t aware that you may have been washing your face improperly for years. You might also not know about the impact that vitamin C can have on your complexion.

Here are eight ways to start treating your skin better which you might not have known of.

8 Ways to Treat Your Skin Properly

  • Choose the Right Skincare Products

Everyone’s skin is different, which means each person’s needs will be different. Having a healthy and regimented skin-care routine can be incredibly helpful for managing acne, keeping your face smooth, and avoiding early onset of wrinkles. Skin Care by Alana offers Face Reality Skincare products that help you create the perfect formula for whatever your specific needs are.

  • Don’t Tug On Your Face

It’s perfectly all right to wear makeup. However, you’ll want to make sure you remove all of it once your day is completed. The part many people don’t recognize is the damage we can do to our skin when we wipe it clean of cosmetics.

When you use your makeup remover, try to be very gentle on your face and avoid any tugging. If you don’t, this can add extra wrinkles and damage the skin around your eyes, mouth, and other sensitive areas.

  • Improve Your Diet

High blood sugar is one of the biggest causes of skin problems. Increased insulin can often lead to inflammation and acne. Other dietary issues may cause eczema or other sensitivity issues. Add more foods that are high in omega 3 fatty acids, like olive oil, salmon, and whole grains, to keep your skin hydrated.

  • Get Enough Vitamin C

Vitamin C provides a plethora of nutrients and enzymes that our skin needs in order to repair itself. As an antioxidant, vitamin C can help our skin recover from environmental scourges to which we’re exposed, such as UV rays, pollution, and even Blue rays from our electronic gadget screens. Getting enough vitamin C can be as easy as eating more of the citrus fruits we love or taking an over-the-counter supplement.

  • Wash Your Face Twice a Day

A lot of beauty tips out there include the advice to wash your face no more than once a day to avoid drying out your skin. But other factors suggest you should wash your face at least twice each day.

After a long night’s sleep rubbing oils from your pillow into your skin, you’ll want to give your face a fresh clean slate. Following a sweaty workout, you should remove excess perspiration so you won’t clog your pores. And of course, before bed, you’ll want to wash everything that’s built up on your face throughout the day. 

  • Avoid Placing Hot Water on Your Face

When washing our face, some believe we need hot water to rinse the skin in the same way we clean soap off our hands. But the fact is it’s better to use cool or lukewarm water so you avoid flushed skin or additional flare-ups.

  • Face Towels Exist for a Reason

How many times have you washed your face and used the same hand towel that’s hung in a handy spot for drying your hands? This does your face a disservice after a wash and rinse because you’re reapplying any bacteria that may have accumulated on the cloth.

Instead, use a fresh and unused washcloth or face towel after you wash your face. Most important: don’t forget to be gentle!

  • Moisturizer is Key

Just like your body needs lotion, your face requires moisturizer. After a wash, your skin may feel dry. That’s because the scrubbing and soap strip the skin of essential oils your body produces.

Lightly coat your skin with a moisturizer to replenish and hydrate your face. Avoid oversaturating it so you don’t clog your pores. A thin layer is all your facial surfaces need.