Beauty & Fashion

4 Ways That You Can Combat Sagging Breasts

There are lots of reasons why breasts sag. They can lose volume after pregnancy, nursing, weight loss, or weight gain. And of course, they can simply change shape and lose their pertness with age.

4 Ways That You Can Combat Sagging Breasts

Credit: Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

Is there a way to stop your breasts from sagging? Of course! Here are four ways that you can keep them from moving downward:

1. A Mastopexy

If you want to address a problem like sagging breasts, the most direct solution that you can take is a mastopexy. Mastopexy is the medical term for a breast lift. During this procedure, surgeons will lift the breast, reshape it, elevate the nipple, reduce the size of the areola if needed and correct any asymmetry.

Where can you get a mastopexy? If you live in Toronto, you can go to one of the world-class GraceMed clinics for this procedure. They are excellent choices for anyone considering plastic surgery in Toronto and the GTA. Start by booking a consultation with them. They will go over the steps of the breast lift with you and confirm whether you’re a good candidate or not.

If the sagging of your breasts is due to the fact that they are very large, you may want to look into breast reduction surgery as well. Talk to the surgeon about this option during your consultation.

2. Quit Smoking

Smoking cigarettes can deteriorate the elastin and collagen in your skin, which will leave you with more wrinkles, fine lines and sagging than the average non-smoker. If you want to prevent breast sagging, you should break your smoking habit as soon as possible. It will improve the elasticity of your skin.

A smoking habit can also disqualify you from procedures like breast lifts and reductions. Quitting could come in handy if you’re considering these surgical solutions.

3. Targeted Strength Training

Pectoral muscles sit underneath all of that breast tissue. The stronger your pectoral muscles, the more weight they can carry — this includes your breasts.

If you’re hoping to get a natural lift, you should start adding more chest exercises into your workout routine. Here are some options:

  • Chest presses
  • Shoulder presses
  • Pushups
  • Chest flys
  • Plank rotations

Women with larger breasts should also think of adding shoulder and upper back exercises into their workouts. Working out these areas of the body will give you better posture and chest support.

4. Supportive Bras

The right bras will give your breasts the support they need and stop you from straining your ligaments. This is especially important when you have large breasts. They are naturally heavier and will pull down at the tissue more.

How do you find the right bra? First, learn how to measure your bra size so that you get a comfortable fit every time that you go shopping. You will also want thicker straps and sturdier materials that can handle the weight and movement of your breasts.

Not wearing a sports bra when you’re doing physical activity could increase the risks of sagging, as well. Your breasts will move around as you exercise, particularly when you’re running, jogging or skipping rope. That puts a lot of strain on your ligaments. Finding the right sports bra will stop your breasts from moving too much, which can reduce soreness and discomfort after your workout and sagging in the future.

You don’t have to accept severe sagging as an inevitability. You can stop your breasts from moving downward, and if it’s too late, you can bring them back up again.