Beauty & Fashion

When Is the Right Time for a Mommy Makeover?

Childbearing is a rewarding yet physically and emotionally life-altering experience. After pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding, many women find that even a healthy diet and regular exercise do not restore their body to its pre-childbearing state. 

When Is the Right Time for a Mommy Makeover?

These permanent alterations to the breast and abdominal tissue are expected and natural processes of pregnancy and nursing. Many women find that restoring their figure through a mommy makeover procedure helps to regain their pre-pregnancy confidence. 

What is a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover is a combination of breast and body contouring procedures, completed by a skilled plastic surgeon, that helps restore a patient’s pre-pregnancy appearance.

Procedures that may be included as part of a mommy makeover include:

  • Breast augmentation (alteration of the size, shape, and fullness of the breast using implants or fat transfers)
  • Breast lift (removal of excess skin and tightening of drooping breast tissue)
  • Tummy tuck (removal of excess abdominal skin and fat and repair of separated  abdominal muscles)
  • Liposuction (removal of stubborn, localized fat packets on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and arms)

What do I need to take into consideration before I schedule my surgery?

Having a mommy makeover is a major investment of time and money that should not be entered into lightly. Each patient should ask themselves several questions before scheduling their surgery, including:

  1. Am I done having children?
  2. Am I really recovered from pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding?
  3. Am I emotionally, physically, and financially prepared for major surgery?
  4. Will I have adequate support for my recovery?
  5. Is there a best time of year for me?

Patients should also discuss these questions, and their corresponding answers, with their surgeon and their support network. 

Am I done having children?

It is 100% possible to safely have children after having a mommy makeover.

However, additional pregnancies and time spent breastfeeding will likely, and sometimes significantly, affect mommy makeover results. Stomach muscles will again distend, skin may develop new stretch marks, and breast tissue will probably lose volume.

Patients hoping to have more children often take advantage of less-invasive treatment options like fillers, injectables, and non-surgical skin tightening during their childbearing years and save the full mommy makeover until their family is complete.

Am I really recovered from pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding?

It is normal for new mothers to want to restore some of the normalcy of their pre-baby life by quickly scheduling a mommy makeover after giving birth. 

While this urge is understandable, it is not generally advisable to have major elective surgery within the first six months postpartum. Waiting a minimum of six months to a year after childbirth or until breastfeeding is completed allows breast and abdominal tissue to stabilize in size and shape.

It is also important that patients maintain a stable, healthy weight before undergoing a mommy makeover. Losing substantial amounts of weight after surgery will result in more drooping skin and lost tissue volume.

Giving your body time to settle into its new normal plays a critical role in helping your surgeon create the appealing proportions and body contouring required for natural-looking results.

Am I emotionally and financially prepared for major surgery?

A mommy makeover is an extensive surgery. Patients need to be certain they are having the surgery for themselves and not for anyone else. 

Additionally, it is important that potential patients evaluate their motivations and expectations for their surgery. A mommy makeover will change a patient’s appearance, but that change will not solve personal or mental health challenges, relationship issues, or other problems. 

Patients also need to have realistic expectations for their results. Having plastic surgery is not like starting with a brand-new canvas. Rather, your surgeon will do their best to deliver the best, most natural-looking results possible for your body.

Elective surgeries like mommy makeovers are not usually covered by insurance, so patients should be certain they understand exactly what their financial obligations for their surgery will be, including time off work, hospital fees, surgeon fees, etc.

Will I have adequate support for my recovery?

Full recovery from a mommy makeover takes up to six weeks. Anyone considering this surgery should have honest, open conversations with their support network to ensure they and their family have adequate help during the recovery period. 

Most patients end up requiring a combination of family, friends, and paid caregivers to meet all their post-procedure needs. Creating a schedule and clear expectations for everyone before surgery will help ensure patients heal as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

Is there a best time of year for me?

There is no “right” time of year for a mommy makeover, but taking the calendar into account can be helpful. 

Some patients find fall and winter the best since older children are in school and clothes for these seasons tend to be looser and provide more coverage for hiding drains, bruises, etc.

Other patients prefer to be available for the major fall and winter holidays and be recovered for an August beach vacation, so they find spring or summer works better for their schedule.

Taking your work schedule, your children’s schedule, and the schedule for key members of your support network into account can help tremendously in your recovery.

Picking a surgeon

One of the most important indicators of success in a mommy makeover surgery is the choice of surgeon. Many physicians perform plastic surgery, but not all of them have the training or experience to deliver the best results or manage any complications.

Surgeons who are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery have had at least six years of rigorous training and must demonstrate extensive skill, ethical performance, and medical knowledge to maintain their certification.

In addition, a good surgeon will have an extensive portfolio of before-and-after photos and patient testimonials demonstrating their work.

Patients should also feel comfortable with and confident in their surgeon and their surgeon’s staff. Those who feel uncomfortable with any part of their consultative process should consider a second opinion.

The best time is the time that works best for you

Meeting with a qualified surgeon to discuss all your options is the best way to assess your readiness, but ultimately, the right time for a mommy makeover is the time that works best for you.