Holidays & Seasons

5 Ways to Show Appreciation on Father’s Day

Dads don’t always say it, but you can rest assured they’d love to receive a gift or kind gesture on Father’s Day. If you love your dad and want to show him how much you care, there are a variety of ways to put a smile on his face, and keep him smiling for months to come.

5 Ways to Show Appreciation on Father's Day
Photo by freepik

To help you in your quest to make your dad feel special on Father’s Day, we’ve put together 5 best ways to show him how much you appreciate him. Some are as simple as spending the day with him while others require further planning. Check them out:

1.  Send him a gift delivery.

Even dads can love flowers and special gifts. If you live far away yet want to show him how much you’re thinking about him, a Father’s Day gift delivery can be the perfect way to do just that. It’s simple and sweet and shows him you’re thinking of him, even if you can’t be together in person. Whatever the gift may be, everyone loves to receive a surprise, whatever the occasion.

2.  Take him to a football game.

Football season may be a while away, but you can still promise him a visit to a stadium for when football takes off again. While it may cost you a bit to take him to see his favorite team play, the smile you’ll see on his face could be more than worth it, and it could be a great way for both of you to spend time together.

3.  Play chess with him.

Maybe you have a lot to spend on your dad, or maybe you don’t this year. Either way works out just fine! Most of the time, your father is probably happy to spend time with you, regardless of if there is a gift involved or not. What are some of your favorite activities or pastimes? Maybe chess or dominoes was something you shared when you were younger? Why not stop by for a visit to play a game of chess or two?

4.  Plan a trip to a destination that you’ll know he’ll love.

While COVID-19 may have put a wrench in any travel plans last year, chances are your dad has his vaccine by now and you’re ready to take a trip. If that’s the case, where is a destination he’s been dying to visit? It could be a city in your state or a national park across the country. Depending on the amount of time and finances you have available, you could plan a road trip or a flight to the destination he’s been dreaming of visiting.

5.  Have a cook-out.

Has it been a while since the whole family got together? Why not make a special occasion out of it (because it is) and get everyone together for a cook-out? Fire up the grill, ask everyone to bring dad’s favorite sides, get his favorite drinks, and treat him to a special occasion he won’t soon forget. With warm weather in the air and things starting to look up, it could be the perfect time to celebrate and have fun with the whole family, if you all feel safe enough.

In Conclusion

You know your dad best and you know what would make him feel appreciated. Whether it’s a barbeque with the family or a trip to a favorite location, there is plenty of time to start planning for your loved one today. Send him a gift delivery, book tickets for a game in the fall, play a game of chess with him—rest assured that, whatever you do, it’s the thought that counts and he’s bound to love whatever you do for him.