Society & Entertainment

Here are Some of the Best Mobile Games of 2019

If you are after a game that is really great, then you have almost certainly come to the right place. Here you can find out whatever you need to know about the latest games while also being given the opportunity to download them right to your mobile handset. If you want to find out anything else then take a look below.

Here are Some of the Best Mobile Games of 2019


This game actually came out in 2016 and it’s still amongst some of the finest Android games to ever be made. It follows the story of an intergalactic trucker who happens to end up crashing onto a devoid alien planet. Your job is to try and collect various resources, build yourself a base and save the world from an evil plot that is developing more and more by the day. This game does have somewhat of an RPG element to it and there is tons of room for character development too. If you haven’t played this game before then now is almost certainly the right time for you to be giving it a go.


This game is brought to you by NetEnt and you can actually play it on the NetBet site. The game has really colourful graphics and it’s safe to say that the whole thing is very fun to play as well. It’s themed nicely and the whole animations are very smooth, so if you are after a seamless experience then this is the game for you.


The Evoland series comes in two parts. They are some of the most unique Android games out there and they both use various gaming mechanics. You will need to shoot, trade cards, solve puzzles and in some instances, take control of characters. The game involves some classic gaming features that really shine, not to mention that when you do switch mechanics, you will see the graphics change so that you can become much more part of the game.


Madfinger have a huge track record for success, especially in the world of gaming. They are known for having some of the most successful first-person shooter games out there and when you start to play, you will soon see why. It’s a fantastic game to say the least and when you look at the mechanics, you’ll soon see that in reality, it is a game that is way ahead of its time.


Minecraft is a very popular game and people across the world play it. It’s suited to those of all ages and if you have never played before then you’ll be glad to know that it puts you in your own giant world. It’s your job to try and build stuff, beat the bad guys and essentially do whatever you want. There is even a survival mode, where you will need to mine your own resources, while also trying to keep up with new content. The game is easily on par with the PC and console counterparts and it’s a dream to play.