Parenting & Family

Win the Teething Battle: From Essential Oils to Baltic Amber

I’ve always been someone who had an answer for everything, and if I didn’t currently have the answer then I was going to find one. I never walked away from a challenge. In fact, I welcomed one. When I found out I was pregnant, I never had that fear that most new parents talk about. I wasn’t scared of failing or not knowing what I should do. I knew that I would figure it out and that just like with anything in my life, I would get through it.

Win the Teething Battle: From Essential Oils to Baltic Amber

So you can probably imagine that when I welcomed by twins into the world and didn’t know why anything I did soothed them, I fell into postpartum depression. I struggled for months to find a routine that resembled some sort of my previous life. What was sleep? Do I even deserve that anymore? Why won’t they stop crying?

After months of fighting that battle, I finally saw a light at the end of the tunnel for every party involved. The twins were no longer eating every 2-3 hours, which meant that they were sleeping for longer stretches at night. They finally figured their days and nights out and had adjusted to the world outside my womb when it all came crumbling back down. We were now at the “Welcome to teething with twins” stage.

Was I ever going to catch a break? Were they ever going to be happy babies like the ones all my friends bragged about on Facebook? Was this twin life or just my life? Why was I failing when I had never failed at something before? AND AT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN ANYONE’S LIFE! I was bound to make it through this milestone. If we weren’t going to have an ice cream sundae of a first year, we were at least going to let it bring us closer.

I started researching natural ways to soothe your teething baby, and after much research and much conversations among my veteran mom friends, I compiled a list of three sure-fire ways to evict the teething monster out of your household!

  1. TEETHING Blend Essential Oils

I found a TEETHING Blend Essential Oil roller on Etsy for $10. It consist of Lavender (Hello, relaxation!) and Chamomile oils that have been combined for hundreds of years to create a soothing effect. The roller is most effective when rolled on the jaw line and is completely safe to use on your infant. If you don’t want to buy a roller, you can make this at home yourself. Mix the essential oils with a carrier oil like coconut oil, and VOILA! However, in times of dental emergencies, I felt that it was best to fix painful oral issues with the Dentist in Worcester MA.

  1. Cold Pressure

We found that freezing a textured teething toy helped tremendously when the twins felt that they needed to chew on something. The cold helped decrease gum inflammation and the texture provided a massage type feeling to the gums, helping to ease the budding tooth through the top layer of gum and easing the pressure build up.

  1. Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces

A Baltic amber necklace was hands down my favorite teething item. If you have an amber teething necklace, you pretty much don’t need anything else in your teething arsenal. Baltic amber contains succinic acid, which is a natural anti-inflammatory.

Amber has been used for centuries by countries surrounding the Baltic sea for everything under the sun, including joint aches, back pains, and headaches. Recently, it has been a common recommendation for teething infants for the same reason. The anti-inflammatory agents help gum inflammation and in turn, reduces pain. Baltic amber works when your body heats the bead, allowing for the succinic rich oils to seep into the bloodstream.

What helped us get through this phase was a mixture of everything mentioned above. We put the teething necklaces on the twins immediately after receiving them in the mail, and then alternated cold pressure and essential oils whenever they needed extra relief. Surprisingly, once adding these into our routine, we hardly even noticed that the twins were teething. They were much happier and content, and wound up sleeping through the night again. An added bonus was that amber is also an immunity booster, which was something we found out after the fact!

With anything, mother usually knows best, right? Why not trust mother nature with your teething troubles?