Parenting & Family

Meditation prevents Post-Partum Depression

Reflections for New MothersPostpartum depression affects nearly 20 percent of new mothers. It usually occurs in the first two weeks to six months after the baby is born. One way to prevent postpartum depression is to focus on the positives of being a new mother. “It’s important that new mothers don’t become overwhelmed and lose the excitement of the child’s birth amidst all the stress of having a baby,” says Ellen Sue Stern, author of “Reflections for New Mothers” (Meadowbrook Press). “After giving birth many mothers experience anxiety and low self-esteem. They may lack confidence in their parenting ability. One way to overcome these feelings of inadequacy is through meditation.” Here are a couple of meditation reflections, followed by affirmations that Stern offers in her book, “Reflections for New Mothers


Awed. Overwhelmed. Flooded with tenderness that you never imagined. None of these words entirely describes the waves of emotion you feel as you cradle your baby in your arms. Such deep and boundless love. Such passionate commitment. And so much at stake. Although you may tell your child how much you love him every day for the rest of your life, it’s impossible to convey completely the pure emotional intensity experienced in the early weeks of motherhood. Invest in a journal and try to express your feelings now, while they’re fresh. Or write a letter to your child, one that will serve as a keepsake of the first precious days of your life together.

Affirmation: I love you more than words can say.

Personal Growth You’re not born with the feelings or the skills that are necessary to be a good mother. You have years—in fact, your whole lifetime—to become a better, more effective parent. You learn from your mistakes, from reading and talking to parents, and mostly from spending time getting to know your child. As you come to know your child—what each cry means, her likes and dislikes, her idiosyncrasies—you get better and better at giving her what she needs. And as your skills grow, so does you love. With each passing year your child becomes dearer and dearer to you, and you become more confident in your ability to nurture and guide. You’re already a better parent than you were two weeks ago. And you’ll be a better parent two months from now and two years from now. But that is only if you are willing to grow on the job.

Affirmation: I have the rest of my life to become the parent I want to be.

Author: FeatureSource Staff


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