
How to Simplify Your Life in 2019

If you have spent 2018 juggling multiple responsibilities and tasks, you more than likely would like to slow things down to enjoy a smoother, hassle-free year come January 1st. While it might sound easier said than done, it doesn’t need to be!

How to Simplify Your Life in 2019

If you want to streamline your days and lower your stress levels throughout the year, here are some helpful tips on how to simplify your life in 2019.

Take Better Control of Your Time

Life doesn’t need to be complicated. All you need to do is improve your organization skills and use your time wisely.

For example, if you are struggling to make time for breakfast, wake up half an hour earlier. If you don’t have a minute to workout, skip an hour of TV and go for a run or a brisk walk. If you don’t have time to cook complicated meals for the family every day, turn to HelloFresh for delicious recipes that are easy to cook after a busy day.

Stop doing things that are wasting your time and identify the different ways to maximize every hour in the day.

Commit to Improving Your Finances

It doesn’t matter if you have plenty of money in the bank or are struggling to keep up with your debt repayments, make 2019 the year you finally take charge of your money and improve your financial future.

To do so, you will need to:

  • Create a monthly budget to track your income and expenditure
  • Develop clear financial goals for the month ahead
  • Save money for a rainy day
  • Overpay your debts
  • Reduce expenditure on unnecessary items
  • Haggle with suppliersto secure a better deal

Once you have taken control of your income, you will spend less time and energy on your finances, meaning you can enjoy the peace and quiet of financial freedom.

Choose Your Relationships Wisely

Unfortunately, many people keep people in their lives out of habit or nostalgia. However, they could have a negative influence on your behavior or mental health.

For example, if a person is overly negative and regularly makes you feel bad about yourself, it might be helpful to distance yourself from the relationship. It could be the kindest thing you can do for yourself, as it will allow you to spend more time with those who matter the most to you.

Declutter Your Home

A cluttered home cannot only slow you down, but it can also affect you both psychologically and physically. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by a chaotic interior or wasting your time looking for misplaced items, declutter your home in time for 2019. For instance, you should:

  • Throw away or donate clothes you no longer want or wear
  • Recycle unwanted stacks of papers, magazines, and receipts
  • Increase your storage options in rooms across the home
  • Descale your furniture

You will have fewer items and mess to worry about, as a result so that you can enjoy more mental clarity and greater physical freedom across the home.