Love & Relationships

Five Things To Do for Yourself When You Are Going Through a Rough Time…

As the old saying goes, after every day, there’s always the night. And sadly, sometimes things just get so difficult for us women, and it’s far too easy to feel powerless when facing them. There’s bound to be a time when what’s left is massive sadness, inching upon every corner of your soul like water in a sinking ship. 

But here’s the thing… We aren’t ships, are we? We don’t sink. Instead, we are strong, powerful ladies who rise above hardships (get it?), overcoming all obstacles that may come our way. Bad things don’t stay forever, and you better not forget that. So if you are struggling right now, here are a few things you can do to weather that emotional storm.

Five Things To Do for Yourself When You Are Going Through a Rough Time…

Take Some Space

You could say that there are two kinds of gals out there. There are those who push forward, reaching for their dreams and goals and whatever else they have in their hearts. Then there are the rest who just might not have the heart or strength to do it. 

But whether you’re one of them or both, a momentary rough patch means you have to stop for just a little bit and rest. Pull off your shields and take down your masks, so to speak. A short while should be just fine. And yes, you can totally do it somewhere private, so you could breathe some relief in peace.

Reflect And Meditate

Calmed down a bit? Good. Next, you gotta think and feel. Believe it or not, you are not an invincible being who can do everything (even as much as we wish we were sometimes!). Think about your limits. Take note where you’re hurt. A little bit of self-assessment shouldn’t be too bad, okay?

But! Don’t forget that you are also not a kid anymore. For every single thing you can’t do, there’s bound to be something you can do. Going through a breakup? Analyze your feelings and relationship. Facing a breakup? Maybe you could share experiences with other gal pals who are going through the same thing.

Listen, other things in your life could be worse. Some could be a bit simpler than that, too, and you never get to choose what you’re going to get. Just remember that there are things that only you have the power to do… and just let everything else go.

Reach Out To Your Friends And Family

If things are really unbearable right now, then why not reach out to someone who cares about you? You won’t have to broadcast your emotional state to every single person you know on social media, either. A trusted friend or two should be enough if that’s what you want. 

The thing is, talking about your problems with others can bring you some insights that you might never have realized before. And if they don’t, then maybe having yourself listen to your own thoughts through your own lips could help. Having a support network, though, can be a totally invaluable resource.

Talk To A Professional

Now this one’s something that a lot of people would rather skip, but listen up. A professional listener could help you get more insight. And yep, I’m talking about counselors. Their primary job is to listen and help people look at their problems in a different light. You may have thought to yourself before, “do I have PTSD?” Well, there’s only one sure fire way to find out and speaking to a licensed professional can help answer these questions and set you on a path to feeling better. 

Unlike how pop science tells you, going to one doesn’t mean that you’ll have to take medications. And it doesn’t mean you’re broken or any of the other negative stereotypes that might be holding you back. Sure, there are depression and bipolar disorder tests you can take, but that’s for a completely different purpose.

To the pros, psych tests are much like blood tests. You don’t take one on your own and tell yourself you’re sick because of a failed score. Instead, you ask a professional to tell you the results, why you got those results, and what those results even mean. But what you need is a listening ear and an extra brain to think your way through. Right?

Tell Yourself: I Love Myself

You might think that you have done everything. Perhaps you think you failed. Maybe someone painstakingly annoying got on your nerves. If that happens, please don’t beat yourself up (or anyone, really!) over it. Instead, go find yourself a mirror. Stare at yourself in the eyes and tell these three important words like you mean it: I. Love. You.

When there’s no one else to love you in the end, would you be so cruel that you’d hate yourself even more? Think of this and tell yourself those words. Trust me, it’s not bad to love yourself every once in a while.

So that’s five things! But here’s a bonus one: it’s okay to let yourself cry. Sometimes, the world just feels so cruel, but bottling up those feelings will just hurt you in the long run. However, a little sniffle-sesh can be healing. And ultimately, by following these five tips, you can find the healing you need after any hardship life throws at you!