Love & Relationships

The Light Within – Oprah & Deepak Meditation Challenge Day 9

Day 9 was a continuation of yesterday in the sense that we were encouraged to ‘choose to be’. Yesterday, we chose to be the loving spirit. Today’s meditation focused on the light present within us and we were urged to choose to let this light illuminate others.

The Light Within

We all have an inherent light within us. The concept of light has been mentioned in all spiritual texts and it was not a new concept for me. But the self-awareness created within me during the first week of this meditation challenge made the concept of light more .’accessible’ or ‘achievable’ this time around.

This light within us can be described as the source of energy and the essence of all the wisdom and love in the world. To put it very simply, light represents our spiritual awareness. It is a state of consciousness of our divine self that illuminates all our darkness and allows us to see with the eyes of love and wisdom.

The Light Within - Oprah & Deepak Chopra Meditation Challenge Day 9

I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.  – Hafiz

Sharing the Illumination

Those who have connected with this light are said to be ‘enlightened’. Spiritual Gurus have not only seen this light but have found a way to stay connected with it constantly and their radiant, illuminated self shines through, enlightening others who come in their contact.

Those who share this illumination with others bring love and warmth to the lives of all those around them. Even in our physical world, light therapy is used to heal. Our intention should be to use this light within to heal and illuminate others around us. With this intention in mind, we concentrated on the centering thought of the day:

My loving truth shines for all to see.

My loving truth shines for all to see. - Oprah & Deepak Chopra Meditation Challenge Day 9


After the confidence I had gained in meditation during the last two days, today was a bummer. I could not meditate as blissfully as I did yesterday or the day before. Possibly, because of the disturbing dream I woke up to, this morning. It is kind of demotivating, but there is still a long way to go and I am going to try to get back on track tomorrow.