Love & Relationships

Choosing Love: Oprah & Deepak Meditation Challenge Day 8

The first day of Week 2 at the Miraculous Relationships Meditation Challenge hosted by Oprah and Deepak Chopra attempted to help us apply all that we had learned in the first week and begin to start improving our relationships. The centering thought for the day was ‘I Love and am Loved Unconditionally’.

I Love and am Loved Unconditionally - Oprah & Deepak Meditation Challenge Day 8

Awakening to the Presence of Love

The past few days of this program have aimed at, and have succeeded in, making me awaken to my potential of love. Two facts were disclosed to me during the past week:

  1. I need to be able to love myself unconditionally
  2. The universe already loves me unconditionally.

How I look, my age and even the size of my waistline does not matter. Today, as I feel comfortable knowing that I am loved and accepted by myself and the nature, which I am a part of, I can begin to imagine myself as being one of those persons who always seem to ooze love. I know now that are able to love everyone because they are at peace with themselves.

Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives. – Louise L. Hay

Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives. - Louise L. Hay

Choosing Love

Now that we know about our two different personalities – our created ego and our true self – we can choose which one we’d rather be, for the rest of our lives. One is fickle and demanding, the other is love itself. I choose to be the presence of love and will strive to remind myself constantly of the loving spirit within myself and allow it to guide my actions. As Deepak reminds us, only when we can start to eat, live and breathe love, can we begin to create love-filled relationships. Only when we completely reflect love, can we share this love with everyone else in our lives regardless of how they look, how they act, whether or not they share our values, ethnicity or beliefs.

Knowing that we come from the same source makes it easier for us to accept everyone else, not as we wish them to be, but as they are – lovable and loving.


I think I might be getting there. I started the day’s meditation by taking refuge in the enchanted garden that Deepak managed to create so beautifully in my mind yesterday. That helped me shut out the rest of the world and the distracting noises (can you imagine how loud a pin-drop sounds when you are trying to meditate?) and helped me shift my awareness to my meditation. Knowing well that my goal is the spirit and not the blissful garden, I calmly focused on my mantra and diverted my attention there. Gradually, the garden disappeared too and I was left chanting the mantra in divine solitude. It was only for a very short while as the sound of the bell ended my meditation. I would like to make time and try this for a longer period someday.