Health & Fitness

8 Ways to Live Longer (and Better)

Love birthdays? Celebrate many more with these surprising secrets to an extended life.

Adding extra years to your life so you can always be there for family and friends doesn’t require magic potions or a fountain of youth. Follow these guidelines to stay healthy and active for decades to come.

8 Ways to Live Longer (and Better)

1. Get a move on every day.

Staying physically active not only helps keep your heart, bones, joints, and brain young; it also reduces stress and boosts energy and mood. Pick a routine that works for you—yoga, Zumba class, biking, walking with a friend—and try to get your heart pumping for 30 minutes a day (including three extra-vigorous 20-minute workouts a week). To get the ultimate anti-aging benefits, mix up cardio and strength training.

2. Go (part-time) veggie.

Swapping burgers for beans or steaks for salads a few times a week is the first step to living longer: A plant-based diet, rich in produce, legumes, beans, and whole grains, has been linked to lower risks of heart disease and cancer. And a recent Harvard study found that people who ate less red meat lowered their risk of dying early by almost 20%. You don’t have to cut out your favorite meaty treats entirely—try saving those indulgences for the weekend.

3. Take baby aspirin.

We’ve known for years that taking low-dose baby aspirin can help prevent heart attacks, but new research finds that aspirin may also help lower your risk of dying from certain cancers by up to 40%. If you’re over 40, talk to your doctor about taking two 81 mg aspirin a day to get the protective effects.

4. Stand up.

Sitting can be a killer: One study found that parking it for more than four hours a day boosts your risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. If you have a desk job, find a reason to stand up for at least five minutes every hour: Pace while talking on the phone, get up to grab a cup of tea, and schedule “walking meetings” with colleagues.

5. Say “om.”

Relaxation techniques like meditation spur your brain to release oxytocin, a powerful hormone that reduces stress and inflammation, which can help prevent heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and possibly even cancer. You don’t have to run away and join an ashram to get the benefits: All it takes is seven minutes a day.

6. Take care of your teeth.

Good oral hygiene adds up to more than just a dazzling smile. Keeping teeth and gums healthy helps protect your arteries and immune system, and it helps ward off heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and even lung problems. Brush and floss daily to prevent periodontal disease and tooth loss, both of which accelerate aging.

7. Know your numbers.

Have a talk with your doctor about your target numbers for waist size, blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol—and then keep track of them to stay in the healthy zone. Keeping those four measures in check helps reduce your risk of the Big Four: heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and cancer.

8. Get your Zzzzs.

Getting a solid night of shut-eye should be a top health priority—research has connected a lack of sleep to a higher rate of mortality from cardiac problems. Aim for six to nine hours a night, and keep your bedtime routine consistent (no caffeine, no texting right before bed), so when you hit the pillow, you can truly get a good night’s sleep.