Love & Relationships

10 Date Night Ideas You Can Try During Weekdays

It’s easier to maintain a routine on the weekdays than on the weekend, which is why it’s often a good idea to schedule something you want to do regularly on a weeknight. However, weeknights can be tough because you only have so much time between clocking out from work and going to bed. From slipping on some quality shapewear from a trusted brand like Leonisa and a fancy dress to working out together, if you’re looking for some fast date night ideas that you can try on a weeknight, here are 10 suggestions you should consider:

10 Date Night Ideas You Can Try During Weekdays


  1. Host a movie night.

Movie night is a fun but low effort weeknight date idea. Of course, you can always visit your local theater or you can stream a movie on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, HBO, Disney+ and the many other streaming services available. If you’ve already burned your way through your favorite films on these services, consider renting some movies from your local library. They have films that aren’t available on any streaming platforms, and often have more niche and foreign film titles.

  1. Play some games.

No, not those kinds of relationship games. We’re talking board games, card games and word games. Seek out games that can be specifically played by two people, as many board games often have a higher minimum of required players. Experiment with cooperative vs. competitive play to see which type you prefer. If you really get into it, you can look into signing up for a games-themed subscription box.

  1. Cook together.

You already have to feed yourself anyway, so why not turn it into a date night experience? Pick a fun new recipe that won’t take too long to assemble and cook it together. Make sure to account for prep time and clean up when selecting your recipe. This is supposed to be an enjoyable date night, not a time-sucking chore. If you’d like a challenge, consider taking a cooking class together, either in person or virtually, to further boost your skills.

  1. Have a weeknight drink.

It’s called wine down Wednesday for a reason! A drink or two probably isn’t enough to impact the following day, so host your own little weekday happy hour together. You can visit a local bar (which will probably be less crowded on weeknights) or mix up some new cocktails at home to try instead. Dress up your leggings with a cute top and some jewelry and you’ll practically feel like it’s the weekend already!

Date idea - Picnic at a local park

Source: Jacob Lund /

  1. Picnic at a local park.

When the weather gets nice and the days get longer, taking a weeknight picnic after work is the perfect way to squeeze in a date night. If you plan ahead, you can grab all the food and supplies on your regular grocery store run. Then, all you’ll have to do is throw it into a cooler, grab a picnic blanket and hit the local park together after you’ve clocked out for the day.

  1. Explore your neighborhood.

Weeknights make it difficult to drive across town, wait in line at the hot new bar and still make it back in time to get in bed at a reasonable hour. Save farther away date night spots for the weekend and instead stick close to home for your weeknight dates. Focus on exploring the neighborhood right around. Check out some restaurants you might have overlooked, grab a meal from the food truck that’s always driving around or visit the new bar that just opened up a few blocks away. You don’t have to go far to have a special date night.

  1. Work out together.

If you’re both exercise fanatics, you can exchange your cute clothes for workout clothes and turn your daily workout into some quality time together. Pick a workout that you can easily do as a pair, whether it’s lifting weights together or playing a few rounds of tennis. If you want to branch out even further, you might want to consider booking a workout class together. After all, it’s more fun to experience something new when you’ve got your partner by your side!

  1. Host a book club for two.

If both of you love reading, then this is the perfect weekday date night for you! Decide on a book that you both want to read ahead of time and come up with discussion questions for it. Once you’ve both finished the book, go to a cafe or make some coffee at home and take turns asking your discussion questions. If you have a bad habit of starting books and not finishing them, set a date for your book club ahead of time so you’ll both have a deadline in mind.

  1. Play 20 questions.

Once you’ve been together for a while, it’s easy to let the deep conversations of the early days fade away. You’re more likely to chat about your weekly schedules than your dreams for the far off future. Recreate those early days by deliberately taking time to connect with each other and ask thought-provoking questions. If you have trouble coming up with questions on your own, there are many lists out there, such as this one, that you can look at for inspiration.

  1. Eat breakfast together.

Okay, this is technically a weekday morning date idea, not a weeknight date, but it’s an awesome option if you’re looking to shake things up. If you’re both early risers or have a more flexible morning schedule—maybe you both work from home—having a fancy breakfast or brunch together is a great way to connect and start the day off on the right foot. You can cook it together or grab some premade options if you’re short on time and just heat them in the morning.

At home breakfast date

By Dean Drobot /

It’s totally possible to do a date night on a weekday evening. You just have to choose the right type of date. Try these 10 suggestions for a quick weeknight date idea.