Love & Relationships

15 Things Every Girl Wants on a Perfect Date

We all know that there are plenty of differences between men and women, and dating can be a minefield. The quest to find the perfect date is something many people spend a long time looking for, and it can be hard to know what to do for the best when you’re trying to impress someone. So here are 15 things every girl wishes for on a perfect date, to get you started when planning a romantic evening.

15 Things Every Girl Wants on a Perfect Date

  1. Some Food

A suitable date comprises a good meal. Not a fast-food takeaway, though; you should be aiming for something slightly better than that. If your other plans don’t fit in with a full meal, then what about ice cream or popcorn for watching a movie?

  1. To Talk about Herself

Listening is a crucial skill for a perfect date as it is almost guaranteed that she wants to tell you about herself. Try not to let your attention waver, be sure to chip in with valuable responses and don’t just sit and talk about yourself.

  1. To Know You

You need to combine this with the fact that they want to get to know more about you. However, there is no need to boast or try and make more of your achievements than they are. Just be yourself and give her a chance to get to know the real you.

  1. To Laugh

Hopefully not at you, but it’s undoubtedly a better date if everyone is having fun and there are some laughs to be had. Bring your a-game and see if you can get her to smile, but be careful of going overboard with the cheesy jokes that aren’t funny.

  1. A Good Location

Unless you know that she is a fan of fishing, a date fly fishing on the riverbank will not score you brownie points. Instead, pick an excellent location that is warm and dry where you don’t have to yell at each other all the time just to be heard.

  1. A Sign 

She’s looking for a sign that you like her, so comment on her hair or clothes and make her feel special. Also, pick up on anything she says that is interesting and use it for prolonging the conversation.

15 Things Every Girl Wants on a Perfect Date

  1. Respect

You must treat her with respect, but don’t try to be the big man. Plenty of women can take care of themselves, but it’s nice to know that the bloke is looking out for them.

  1. Good Old-Fashioned Chivalry

Remember to hold the door open when she walks through or pull out her chair. If you’re walking next to a busy road, you should seamlessly switch positions so that she is on the inside, away from the traffic. 

  1. To Feel Safe

It is vital that she feels safe when she is out with you. Stick to busy public locations, where she knows she’s not alone. This is not a reflection on you but shows that you understand the modern world and how dangerous it can be.

  1. Good Grooming

Trust us, she will make a real effort with what she is wearing and her perfume. Therefore, you should not be rocking up to your date in ripped jeans, covered in grease, and your hair all over the place. It doesn’t take very long to smarten up your appearance. It doesn’t need to be formal either, just well-groomed and smelling divine.

  1. To Feel Important

For a few short hours, she wants to feel like the centre of your world. That means putting mobile phones away and not constantly texting. So unless you think a phone call is urgent, ignore it. Instead, make her feel like she’s the only one in the room.

  1. An Unexpected Gift

We’re not talking expensive gestures here, just something small and sweet that proves you were thinking about her in advance. A single flower, a packet of chocolate or perhaps a little teddy bear. Just something that makes her feel special.

  1. Don’t Steal Food!

You must remember not to pinch food from her plate as this is atrocious manners. Be sure to order enough food and accept that you may be paying a little more to make sure both of you eat enough.

  1. Don’t Be Late

One thing she doesn’t want is for her date to be late. There’s no fun standing in an unknown location on your own, hoping someone turns up soon. So even if your timekeeping isn’t fantastic, make sure you get there on time for this one particular occasion.

15 Things Every Girl Wants on a Perfect Date

  1. The End

When the end of the evening comes, don’t assume anything. If you’re going your separate ways, a goodnight kiss is perfectly acceptable but don’t go overboard. If you are being a gentleman and seeing her home, don’t assume that you will be invited in.