Home & Garden

Top Pests to Watch Out for this Summer

Summer is a glorious time of year – the plants and flowers are in full bloom, the days are hot and it’s the perfect weather for a barbecue. You probably want to call in sick to work on those bright sunny mornings and just decamp to the park where you can while away the day with a book. Glorious, isn’t it? Because you’re spending more time outside, there’s also a much higher chance that you’re going to run into some bugs, critters and nasties as you enjoy the sunshine. It’s not going to spoil your day, but it’s definitely an annoyance. While you can’t stop the critters from coming, you can be aware of some of the nasties that you need to avoid, so we’ve compiled a short list of some of the top pests to watch out for this summer. Read on to find out more about how you can dodge the critters and come out bite and annoyance free!

Top Pests to Watch Out for this Summer


The undisputed king of the ick factor when it comes to creepy crawlies and things that lurk, the spider gets a big ol’ no-no from me. They are unpredictable, hairy and bitey – and they’re just plain ugly to look at. I know they form part of a great service for catching flies and bugs and other kinds of pests – so I won’t kill them unless I have to. That said, I did spot a red back spider in my house the other day and so I was straight on the phone to pest control services. I should have gotten it done sooner to be honest, as I was hoping it would be possible to sneak through summer without one… But no. You should be aware of spiders and take action in the warmer months – especially if you have small children in your home.


The humble pest at every single barbecue, ever. The Aussie blowfly is a big ol’ pain in the butt for anyone who has ever tried to eat their snag in a bread at the park. You’ll be just about to chomp on down on your food when you’ll be accosted by a blowie just looking for a lick of your food. Go away!! You can’t get a household spray for these little devils, but you can protect yourself with a can of fly spray or even a good ol’ fly swat. You could invest in a venus fly trap too.


Ugh. Unwanted guest number two at the picnic… Ants are doubly annoying because not only are they sneaky, sneaky, sneaky – but once they get some crumbs from your plate, they’re inclined to give you a nice nip on the butt or leg to remind you of their supreme power. It’s totally bizarre that such a teeny weeny little critter can deliver such pain – but there you go. Nature is so weird sometimes. You can protect yourself against ants by checking the ground for nests, taking insect repellant and dining in a pool. They’re industrious little blighters.


Horrible creatures, wasps. They’re big, scary, fast and sneak up on you like nothing else. They love (LOVE) sweet stuff, so if your perfume happens to be anything from the Britney / Baby Doll range, perhaps you might want to stay indoors. Keep clear of wasps with a heavy duty can of spray and blast ‘em before they land a sting on you. Bad thing is, unlike bees – they can sting you without perishing on their own sword. Ugh.

I hope you manage to stay safe this summer and avoid the nasties!