Home & Garden

Useful and Easy Steps to Detox Your Home

The air inside your house is safer and clean than the air outside, but that doesn’t mean it’s not filled with toxic chemicals. Studies show that a typical house can have as many as 80 different types of airborne pollutants. With so many toxins floating around, you need to take action! In this blog post, we’ll discuss detoxing your home and how to do it safely and effectively.

Useful and Easy Steps to Detox Your Home

Identify the Source of Pollutants

The first step in detoxing your home is to identify the sources of pollutants. You can do this by looking for anything that may emit harmful chemicals like paints, solvents, cleaners, and other products. If you have any carpet, Pakistani rugs, or upholstery in your home, it’s especially important to check these because they are often treated with fire retardants.

Inspect the Air Conditioning System

Your heating and cooling system can have a big impact on your indoor air quality. If you’re not sure how to clean it, call an HVAC professional who will know what needs to be done! A dirty AC unit has been linked to respiratory illnesses in humans as well as asthma in children. Clean out all the filters and coils, inspect the drain pipe for any debris that may cause water to leak out, and replace all necessary parts as needed. If you or your family are plagued by allergies (and don’t have pets), then be sure to vacuum frequently with a HEPA filter machine. It will help keep dust mites from building up in carpets and upholstery.

Check the Ventilation System

The ventilation system can also play a big role in air quality, so be sure to check this area and make any necessary repairs! If you have a windowless room or an enclosed garage without proper ventilation, your home will most likely need fresh air coming in from outside. This may mean installing a solar-powered vent or making sure that a door to the outside stays open.

Pest Free Home

Insects are another great way for allergens and pollutants like pollen, bacteria, and mold spores into your home! To keep these pests out, be sure to seal up any holes in window or door screens with caulk. You should make it your regular habit to wipe down the outside of windows and doors with a damp cloth before entering your home. Moreover, pesticides spray once a month, right before the rainy season when insects are most active.

Frequent Cleaning

The easiest way to ensure that allergens, pollutants, or other harmful substances don’t build up in your home is by routinely cleaning them away! Vacuuming carpets can help remove pollen from the surface, while wiping down surfaces like countertops, furniture, and floors can remove bacteria from them. You should also be sure to dust or vacuum your couch cushions and  wool rugs every week to limit how much pollen they collect!

Air Filtering System 

The easiest way to remove allergens from the air is by installing an air filtering system in your house. It will ensure that the air you and your family breathe is cleaner, reducing the risk of allergies. Besides, air filters can also reduce odors and pet dander.

UV Air Sanitizer- Particle Remover 

For extra protection, you can install a UV air sanitizer-particle remover in your house. This device is installed outdoors and kills bacteria by emitting ultraviolet light for hours at a time! The surface of the unit contains specially designed fluorescent lamps that emit ultraviolet light.

Air Purifier- Cleaner 

An air purifier is one of the most common and effective ways to reduce allergens in your home. It works by filtering large particles such as dust, pet hair, and dander out of indoor air before entering a person’s lungs or nasal passages. Air purifiers are also beneficial for those with allergies and asthma.

Dealing with Mold 

Mold can grow in a lot of different places around the house! It’s important to clean up any mold-prone areas right away, so it doesn’t get worse. You should regularly wipe down surfaces like bathtubs, countertops, and floors with a cleaning solution. You should also prevent mold from growing by controlling humidity levels in your home (i.e., using the proper air conditioner setting) and eliminating any water leaks as soon they’re discovered.

Dealing with Radon 

Radon is the main source of lung cancer in America. If you live in an area with high levels, it’s important to test your home for radon and take steps to reduce its exposure by installing a radon venting system or sealing any cracks around windows and doors.

Removing Odors 

Odors are hard to remove once they’ve set in. The first thing you should do is identify the source of the odor. Once it has been identified, try to address that issue to eliminate any bad odors (i.e., clean up a pet accident). If there’s no possible way to diagnose where an odor came from, use natural products like baking soda or vinegar and hot water to remove the odors.

Wipe Down Surfaces

To keep your home clean, you should wipe down all surfaces at least once a day with a natural cleanser. These products are much kinder to the skin than most commercial cleaners and can work wonders to remove any lingering smells or dirt accumulated during the day.

Clean the Fridge and Pantry

Some people find that keeping a clean habit of cleaning out their fridge every week can help keep bad smells at bay. It is because if you don’t, any food left in your refrigerator for too long will begin to rot. Also, the rotten food emits an unpleasant odor. The same goes for your pantry – cleaning the pantry once a month is a great way to ensure that the food you’re storing is fresher and smells better than it would otherwise.

Remove any Trash or Food Waste from Your Home.

If there’s one thing most people don’t like, it’s a bad odor coming from their garbage can in the kitchen. Keep your abode as clean as possible by removing the trash regularly, as well as throwing out any food waste you may have around the house, which can help keep your home smelling fresh.

Clean Your Kitchen Sink

Weekly or even daily kitchen sink cleanings are a great way to ensure that your dishwasher and garbage disposal will continue functioning properly with time. It is because both items need to be emptied frequently to avoid being clogged.

Wrap Up

If you’re ready to give your house a deep clean, you must start with the toughest spots. From there, work your way up in order of difficulty until all areas are sparkling and fresh again. Remember that if you want new chobi rugs for your home or office, visit RugKnots! They have a huge range of rugs for every budget.