Health & Fitness

Workout Equipment You Should Have In Your Home

This year we’ve faced a worldwide pandemic, locking us all in our homes, and shutting down our favorite bars, restaurants, and most importantly, our workout facilities. Whether it’s your health club, yoga or Pilates studio, or boxing gym that’s been closed, the struggle has been real. Life is stressful enough without an epidemic and without your favorite workout facilities, you may be feeling the weight of the world. The best solution for you may be a bit of dopamine and endorphin release from your very own home gym! Getting the motivation to do an in-home workout can be difficult, but you can set yourself up for success with the right workout equipment. Let’s take a look.

Workout Equipment You Should Have In Your Home
  • Exercise Mat

Whether you have entire garage or a small corner of a room to create your workout space, you’ll need to start with this basic first: an exercise mat. You’ll find that a lot of at-home workouts require laying, kneeling, or some variation of the two. Mats offer a bit of padding and support between you and the floor to protect your wrists, knees, back, and head. For Pilates and yoga workouts, you’ll find that a mat helps to stop slipping in between poses. It also creates a space that’s only yours, to help focus your mind and aid with meditation.

  • Spin Bike

If you have the budget for a spin bike, it’s a must have. Spin bikes allow you to get a full body workout in the comfort of your own home. They’re quiet, easy on your knees and joints, and you can use them year around. Plus, they’re great for all levels! You can adjust your own resistance to take your bike ride from a relaxed Sunday stroll to an intense uphill climb. If you’re serious about purchasing a spin bike, you should definitely do your research to find the right model for you. You can find reviews of spin bikes online at GroomandStyle and other websites to help with your search!

  • Dumbbells

Dumbbells are the perfect way to add some weight into your at-home workout routine. Beginners should start with five to ten-pound dumbbells to intensity their workouts, intermediate and advanced weight lifters should go up to a weight that’s more challenging for them. Dumbbells can be used to intensify your normal body weight workouts as well. Dumbbells cost roughly one to two dollars per pound which can get pricey as you start lifting more weight, however they’ll last you a lifetime and you can build your collection over time. If you don’t mind spending a bit more, you can buy adjustable dumbbells. They take up the space of two large dumbbells but give you the option to choose what weight you’d like. Many range from five to fifty pounds each.

  • Booty Bands

Popular culture tells us time and time again that it’s all about the glutes. Not only are they one of the largest muscles in the body, but they’re responsible for so many of our everyday movements and stability. Booty bands help you target specific glute muscles to help lift, shape, and grow your bottom. You can purchase inexpensive band sets that offer light to heavy resistance. Even though they’re called booty bands, they’re not only meant for glute and hip workouts. Use bands to tone the muscles in your arms as well. Booty bands take up very little space to store, and they travel well too. Throw them in your suitcase on your next trip to keep your fitness routine strong while you’re on the go.

  • Kettle Bells

Kettle bells are a versatile addition to your at-home workout equipment. You may wonder why you need a kettle bell if you have dumbbells. Well, while kettle bells can be used for similar workouts to those of dumbbells, they also can be used for ballistic movements. Ballistic movements are known for promoting explosive power, making them a great option for athletes. Kettle bells can help intensify your workout which boosts muscle growth and aids in fat burn. Since you’re moving in many common kettle bell workouts, you also get a mix of cardio in with your strength training. Kettle bells cost about two dollars per pound and can be purchased in a variety of sizes.

  • Jump Rope

Jump ropes are the perfect way to get your cardio done in a small space, as long as you have the ceiling height for it! The best thing about purchasing a jump rope is that they’re very inexpensive, portable, and easy to store. You can use them at-home and you can take them with you when you travel. Using a jump rope can help you burn a lot of calories in a short period of time, helping you to maximize your workouts. They’re also great at strengthening those small but important muscles that surround your feet and ankles which can help prevent injury. If you’re aiming for quick cardio, chose a lightweight jump rope. If you’d like to intensify your jump rope experience, consider a weighted jump rope. The most important thing to think about when choosing your jump rope is length. Make sure to get the right length to your height so avoid tripping or clipping your feet during a workout.

  • Foam Roller

A foam roller is the perfect way to ease tight muscles and even reduce inflammation after an intense workout. When you work out, your body releases lactic acid into your muscles which is to blame for a lot of the soreness you feel after a tough workout. Using a foam roller can help break up and release the lactic acid in your muscles so that your body is able to remove it. This way you recover more quickly and you’re ready for your next workout!

workout equipment at home

Conclusion Creating an at-home workout space is a great way to ensure you’re giving your body and mind the exercise they need. All you need is a bit of determination, motivation, and the right workout equipment to create your perfect at home workout space.