Health & Fitness

Top 6 Weight Loss Practices That Actually Work

There is a lot of information online about weight loss and this makes it feel overwhelming to identify the best content. All sorts of advice is shared and some ideas include crazy suggestions, some of which lack evidence to support their viability. However, scientists have invested a good amount of time researching and they have discovered different effective weight loss practices.

Top 6 Weight Loss Practices That Actually Work

Here are 6 weight loss practices that are backed by evidence that will surely work:

1. Cut back on added sugar

Added sugar is an ingredient you should never allow in your diet. Many people are consuming it too much. This could partly explain the rising cases of obesity. Studies indicate that sugar consumption is associated with risk of obesity and diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. To lose weight, you should give up added sugars. Read labels of products before buying to ensure they don’t contain added sugars.

2. Consider a low carb diet

Carbs also contribute a lot of glucose that is converted and stored as fat. To reduce the amount of glucose coming into your body, consider reducing your intake of carbs. This diet has been proven to help in losing up to 3 times as much weight as would someone on a low-fat diet. Additionally, it also improves your health. Intermittent fasting is another proven way to lose fat safely and securely.

3. Do aerobic exercise

Cardio is an excellent solution for burning calories. It improves your mental and physical health, and experts cite this as the most effective way to lose belly fat. Done repeatedly in combination with a healthy diet, you can lose many pounds within a matter of weeks. It’s about how disciplined you are and the commitment you are willing to invest in the process.

4. Weight loss surgery

Sometimes the weight is too much to be shed through dieting and exercise. If you want a quick solution that will help you to get rid of a lot of weight, then try weight loss surgery. Professionals like Bay Bariatrics can help you do a number of procedures including gastric bypass surgery, sleeve gastronomy, and gastric imbrications. These are surgical procedures that reduce your intake of food. They also ensure you are able to get rid of extra calories that might be burdening your weight loss journey.

5. Get good sleep

Sleep is as important as sticking to a healthy diet and exercising. Studies indicate that sleep deprivation is a strong risk factor for obesity. It is linked to an 89% increase in the risk of obesity among children and 55% among adults. Get enough sleep to encourage the weight loss process.

6. Eat more fiber, vegetables and fruits

Fiber increases satiety and is a good solution to control weight over a long period of time. Taking vegetables and fruits comes with many benefits. You can feel full while on this diet yet it contains little calories and a lot of fiber. Fruits contain a lot of water, which gives them a low energy density.

To lose weight, you need to combine a number of practices and ideas. These include changing your diet and incorporating a workout that can help you to burn calories. Avoid foods that are high in calories yet low on nutrients as these contribute to weight gain. Consider the guidelines above for the best results.