Health & Fitness

Menstrual Monsters: How to Tame the Period Beast

Are you beginning to notice sudden fatigue, bodily tenderness, and mood swings? It may be your period creeping up on you again, stalking you like a beast in the night. The hormone fluctuations beginning and during your menstrual cycle wreak havoc on your body, causing a myriad of aches and pains, like miserable headaches or cramping— which can feel like a monster is clawing at your guts. 

Menstrual Monsters: How to Tame the Period Beast

The pain of menstrual cramps ranges from mild to debilitating, and regardless of where you fall on the scale, leashing the beast and satiating the pain is imperative if you’re going to make it through your monthly menses. The key to conquering your period is researching and understanding your hormone cycle before delving into remedies. Intel on your cycle’s internal workings gives you the power to plan out your life better, from fertility to self-care. 

Understanding your menstrual cycle hormones is critical to properly treating symptoms and pin-pointing abnormalities. Hormones are chemicals that signal to the brain when to begin different processes throughout your period. The cycle of period hormones directs your body when releasing an egg, preparing the endometrial lining, and even when to cramp. So how can you combat these constant aches, pains, and mood changes? Check out these tips on how to tame your period beast: 

Mitigate pain with medication

A tried-and-true way to assuage cramps is with pills like Ibuprofen or Tylenol. However, be sure to follow the directions found on the bottle for how often and how much you can take to avoid adverse effects. If over-the-counter medication isn’t helping, consult with a physician about more intense solutions.

Heat helps

The application of heat is a tried-and-true method for alleviating period pain. Hot water bottles are a great option to distribute soothing warmth to your cramping body, as well as electric heating pads. Heat therapy can satiate intense pain and relax your body, allowing you to breathe and work through cramping sensations.

Utilize exercise

When cramping begins, your muscles contract, causing spasms and intense pain. Luckily, gentle exercise can help stretch and relieve muscle pain from cramping and achiness. Though it can be challenging to find the motivation to move when your cramps are ravaging your body, you’ll find even a short walk will assist in improving your aches.

Decrease discomfort with diet

Besides cramping, you may notice sudden bloating or gassiness. Luckily, a diet with less sugar and fat can help prevent water retention, reducing bloating and digestion, decreasing painful gas. 

Sustain with self-care

Your body is working hard throughout the menstrual cycle so treat yourself well—you deserve a bit of pampering. Self-care can be quick and easy if you utilize items you have lying around. Consider a relaxing bath, an enjoyable book, or meditation to calm your mind and relax your body. 

Try a TENS device

If your cramps stubbornly refuse to go away, consider using a transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation device (or TENS machine for short). TENS units are unobtrusive gadgets that send a small electric current through your skin where you apply it. Energy sent can stimulate your nerves, ultimately reducing tenderness and painful cramping. 

Parting shot

Now armed with information on menstrual cycle hormones, you can effectively combat the pain that often accompanies periods. The hormones impacting your body do not dictate your life. You can ease period pains by understanding the processes behind them and utilizing tried-and-true solutions.