Health & Fitness

How to Use CBD Pre-Workout

CBD has become very popular as people are learning how to use it and what to use it for. Athletes are one group of people who appreciate the benefits of consuming CBD, especially right before a workout. Athletes who use CBD have noted that if they consume CBD before their workout things seem to go better for them. They have experienced that CBD helps their body to function more efficiently. They believe that their performance may be improved by better balanced bodily functions and increased fluidity.

How Can You Use CBD Oil for Workouts?

How soon before a workout should CBD be consumed?

There is no single answer to this question because of all of the many things that will make a difference for each person. Everyone will have different things to consider. These factors are just a few that will influence your decision.

  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Circulatory System
  • Metabolism
  • Tolerance Level

Another factor that will make a difference in how soon before a workout to consume CBD is the way you consume it. The amount of time that it takes CBD to get into your bloodstream varies by the way it is consumed. As soon as CBD reaches your bloodstream it is collected by receptors and taken fairly quickly throughout your body. Three ways to consume CBD are inhaling it, absorbing it under your tongue, and swallowing it.

  • Inhalation is the fastest way to consume CBD. When you vape or dab your CBD goes straight into your lungs. It is not there long before it goes directly into your bloodstream.
  • When you absorb CBD sublingually you hold CBD under your tongue for 60 to 90 seconds and it will be absorbed by your mucus membranes. It then enters your bloodstream. You would use a CBD tincture to do this. A tincture is CBD in liquid form.
  • When you swallow CBD it must go through the digestive system. It is metabolized by the liver, then it enters the bloodstream. This is the most common way to consume CBD because it is easy. It may take about an hour.

If you think inhalation is your best option, buy a medium-sized vape and try it out. The larger ones will burn off the CBD, causing waste. If you would like to try out tinctures, you can go online and search CBD tincture for sale and research the product to make sure you’re buying quality CBD from trusted professionals so you can take it regularly as a pre-workout.

If you would prefer ingesting your CBD, there are now CBD chewables and capsules on the market.

The market for CBD products is growing fast. Before cannabis was made illegal in the United States, many people were using it as a way to fight off minor aches and pains. With the recent changes in our laws, better technology, and research and testing capabilities, new ways to use the cannabis plant are being investigated. Do some research and learn about new things like CBD bath bombs or CBD gummies.