Health & Fitness

How to Recover After Surgery

Recovering after tummy tuck surgery requires substantial relaxation and rest. Depending on how quickly your body chooses to heal, the amount of time you need for recovery may be more or less than you’re expecting. While you should, first and foremost, seek the advice of your doctor regarding how to proceed post-surgery, we have gathered a few suggestions of our own to help you navigate your recovery. Here is our advice.

How to Recover After Surgery

Know the Impacting Factors

In addition to the specific resiliency of your body, additional factors will impact the amount of time it takes for your body to recover following tummy tuck surgery. These factors are:

  • age
  • bodyweight
  • general health

Be aware of these factors and address your recovery needs as they pertain to your individual circumstances. Speak with your doctor about how each may impact your recovery time so that you can be proactive about healing.

Gentleness: Tummy Tuck Scar Removal

Although you may feel that you are in good physical health, the amount of stress that is on your mind can just as significantly impact your immune system, your digestion, and your sleep. When you take care of yourself, ideally, these three elements work together to create an efficient rest and repair response. After surgery, however, your body is working overtime and may not have the same stamina to heal. Understand that your body and mind are particularly vulnerable post-surgery, so be extra gentle with yourself. The less you move, the more successful any tummy tuck scar removal attempts will be as well. Added movement causes stress on scars, prompting irritation.

surgery recovery

Honor the Recovery Timeline

Following surgery, you will likely need to keep your drains in for a few days. Your doctor will show you how to care for and empty the drains as required. Between drains and the abdominal binder you’ll be wearing, expect to practice limited movement for six weeks. The more support you give your abdomen, the faster your body will heal and avoid fluid buildup. Stay away from rope training, Pilates, or any other intense exercise until you are recovered.

Avoid Problematic Substances

You may be taking an antibiotic, an anticoagulant, and additional medication to help you with pain and recovery. Topical medications may also be prescribed if deemed necessary by your doctor. These medications clash with alcohol, nicotine, and aspirin, so be sure to avoid consuming these until your doctor gives you the green-light. Smoking is included in things to avoid, as it can significantly disrupt the healing processes of the body and mind. Don’t make a rough time worse by using these substances during your tummy tuck recovery.

Practice Self-care Activities

The emotional aspects of recovering from surgery are often overlooked. You may not think you’ll feel vulnerable or frustrated after surgery, but the aftereffect might surprise you (as it does many people). Take time out to meditate or write down your thoughts. Do not let your emotions build and cause you even more stress than you are already under. You might also consider calling a friend while resting to feel socially connected. Remember that self-care is critical to your recovery, so be sure to implement it in ways that work the best for you.

The Bottom Line

Recovering after a tummy tuck takes patience and willingness to put your body’s needs first. Catch up on much-needed rest, and don’t feel discouraged over the time it takes to heal. Reach out to loved ones, stay away from complications, and make the most of your recovery period. Follow the suggestions in this list, and remember that the results are surely worth the wait!