Health & Fitness

How to Pick the Perfect Women’s Workout Shoes

Running and walking are some of the most natural and purest forms of exercise that women can take part in. The first step for this type of exercise is choosing the right shoes. With many types of workout shoes to choose from, it appears a difficult decision to make. Picking the wrong athletic shoes could lead you to get injuries and nursing shin splints, so this is a serious decision that you have to make after research. Some basic knowledge could help you to buy the right shoes.

How to Pick the Perfect Women's Workout Shoes

Here are some considerations you should hold that will help you to find shoes that can help you to achieve your workout goals.

Know your foot

Although a shoe that fits someone else may also be the right size for you, there could be differences in the shapes of your feet. Understanding your foot’s quirks is necessary as it helps you to select the perfect pair of shoes. You can test your foot shape by conducting the “wet test” whereby you wet your foot and step on a brown paper to trace the footprint. If only a portion of your foot is printed, it means your feet tend to roll outward and you should look for shoes that are cushioned with a soft midsole. Some of the shoes featured on offer these features to allow you to pick the best size and shape.


Your workout can also be affected by comfort. Make sure to pick the most comfortable shoes for a workout by considering things like the sole and the material used on the inside. It should be soft and stretchy to allow you to move your foot comfortably. Wear the shoe and walk around the store to confirm if it feels comfortable on your foot. Choosing the right shoes ensures a healthy practice and helps you to work out longer. You could even consider getting shoes with a breathable material for the upper section for added comfort.

Don’t over- or underplay

To get the best quality, you have to pay slightly higher. However, if you don’t want to pay a premium price it’s advisable to avoid shoes associated with celebrities. These will cost you higher and it does not mean they necessarily give you the best experience. Look for different brands to see what they offer instead of relying on popular brands that might cost you more.


You definitely don’t want to lose traction and slip while exercising. Things like sliding off the treadmill or even falling while jogging is not only annoying but could also ruin your entire workout. For this reason, your shoes should have more traction if they are meant for cross-training. While trying out the shoes, move your feet sideways to feel how well they are able to grab the surface. Good workout shoes should grip the ground below you firmly.

Exercise is a perfect way to maintain your fitness and health. You need the right equipment to succeed while working out. Some of the items you should choose carefully include your shoes and apparel. Perfectly fitting shoes that are comfortable will allow you to work out for extended periods of time without feeling any discomfort.