Health & Fitness

Five Reasons Why You Are Always Exhausted

Many women often feel tired, and why not? With the amount of responsibility we juggle, and the tendency to take on the primary caregiver role, there’s a lot to handle on a daily basis. Feeling tired is normal. Feeling exhausted, on the other hand, is not.

Five Reasons Why You Are Always Exhausted

There are a few reasons that you could be feeling exhausted all the time, some more common than others. Here are five reasons why many women always feel exhausted, and what to do about it.

Tired Eyes

Eye health is essential for your overall well-being, and tired eyes can do a number on the rest of your body. Two of the main reasons your eyes might be exhausted is an inaccurate prescription, causing your eyes to strain to focus or prolonged contact use, especially in an office setting.

Contacts don’t like computer screens. If wearing glasses while working isn’t an option, be sure to get contact lens solution with care to help keep your eyes moisturized throughout the day. If you’ve been wearing your glasses and haven’t had an eye exam lately, it’s time to go back and check your prescription. Ensure that your computer screen display is adjusted to reduce glare and that you have adequate lighting in your workspace.

Low Iron

Low iron levels are common among women due to menstruation. If you feel sluggish all day and feel like your “get up and go” got up and went, you may have low iron. The best way to check this is to have blood work done after discussing the issue with your physician. This is another reason why annual well-woman appointments are so essential.

If your blood work comes back and shows that you do have low iron, you can take an over-the-counter iron supplement. You might discover that it isn’t iron at all, but another less common nutrient deficiency. Vitamin B-12 tends to be another common issue, especially for those who eat a plant-based diet.

Not Sleeping as Well as You Thought

If you go to bed at 10 o’clock and wake up at 7 o’clock, you should feel well rested from your nine hours of sleep, right? If you’re not, then there’s a good chance that you’re not actually getting the rest you need during your stint in bed each night. You could be disrupted enough to make you restless, but not enough to rouse your conscious mind.

Sleep apnea (or your partner’s sleep apnea) could be the culprit. Try using a Fitbit or simple sleep app to test how well you’re sleeping throughout the night. Try creating a sleep routine that helps you calm down and unwind before bedtime, unplugging from social media and creating a comfortable environment to rest your weary bones.

Inadequate Nutrition and Hydration

The food you eat has a significant impact on all aspects of your life. When it comes to impacting your energy levels, there’s a possibility of eating too much of something or not eating enough. For example, eating processed sugars will give you a powerful energy boost followed by a long, draining crash. Not eating enough protein will leave your body feeling unsatisfied and sluggish.

Hydration also has a significant impact on how you feel throughout the day. Even being slightly dehydrated can make you feel tired and generally unwell. The solution? Opt for fresh fruit for that energy burst and drink plenty of water throughout the day. If you’re not getting enough protein, make a shift in your diet or add a supplement.

Self-care is Essential

Another of the main causes of exhaustion, which everything else flows into, is increased levels of stress. To sum up everything listed here, prioritizing self-care will help you combat stress and feel better in all areas of your life.

You deserve time to relax and to remove the weight of the world from your shoulders. Create a daily self-care routine, fuel your body with proper nutrition, and get some good sleep; you’ve earned it.