Health & Fitness

5 Things That You Should Know About Holistic Therapy and How Can It Help Us

If you’ve ever needed to have any kind of therapy, then you already know that it can be a long and arduous process. Whether you’ve been physically injured or it’s your soul that needs some TLC, finding the right kind of treatment can be a long and arduous process. With all the treatment options available to you, you may not have considered taking an alternative route and investigating a holistic approach to your therapy. Holistic medicine means focusing on the big picture in regards to your health and often involves a multi-faceted approach to therapy.

5 Things That You Should Know About Holistic Therapy and How Can It Help Us

Here’s our top 5 reasons why so many people are turning to holistic therapies.

1. It’s more worth it in the long run

Holistic therapy encompasses many health aspects. Holistic therapy can include chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, colonic therapy and so much more. Because of this, the cost of holistic medicine can often seem far more expensive than seeing a more traditional doctor for a prescription. It’s unfortunate, but a lot of holistic practices isn’t covered by some health insurance plans. However, because holistic therapy approaches health with a focus on the body, mind and soul, it’s easy to see how it can be worth every penny. Rather than treating just one symptom, holistic medicine aims to treat the causes of your problems and in turn, can save you lots of money in the long run.

2. It’s Not just About One Body Part

All doctors who have been through medical school eventually move into a specialization after they graduate, which means they have an awful lot of knowledge about one specific part of the body or ailment. While this may be good if you only have one particular problem, realistically this often isn’t the case. There are intimate connections between different parts of the body and all of these things are also connected to the mind, so often a very focused approach just won’t work for you! Holistic therapists can help you bridge the gap between these things and take your health to another level through empowerment and taking into account the whole somato-emotional component to disease and injury.

3. Sometimes it is All in your Head

Have you ever been to the doctor for an ailment and been completely brushed aside because your symptoms weren’t physical enough for them to believe you, let alone treat you? This is an all too common occurrence and the reasons for its range from patient distrust to the horrible working conditions that many doctors face. It’s a broken system, and without having a doctor who has the ability to understand and the freedom to explore an invisible issue, you can often end up feeling forgotten about. Holistic therapy encompasses the mind and soul component of physical ailments and focuses on healing the issues that other doctors think are just in your head, making for a more wholesome treatment approach.

4. Treatment is More Personalized

Every illness and injury is different. Within everybody is a complex network of moving parts, each functioning in their own way and with their own peculiarities. So it makes sense that a treatment that works for one person won’t work the same for another person. So why is our medical care so standardized? Holistic therapy differs massively in this regard because every patient is treated like the individual that they are. If you are paying good money for a therapy, you want it to work. It’s time to push aside cookie-cutter approaches and embrace holistic therapies in order to be healthier, well-balanced individuals.

5. It’s your Body

The most important thing you have in the entire world is your body, and along with that, body autonomy. This means that you get the say in what your body goes through and how you want to be treated for your problems. This isn’t an aspect that is always respected when you go to see your primary care physician, as they are usually trained to treat illness with drugs. In fact, you can receive a lot of negativity for wanting to treat your problems your way. Holistic therapists are healers and are interested in helping you reach your health goals. With this in mind, a holistic practitioner will respect your wishes and work within the boundaries that you set for yourself. It’s your body and you get the final say.

Holistic therapy encompasses many aspects of alternative medical treatment where the only goal is to maintain the health of your body, mind, and soul. There are many aspects of holistic medicine, and while each therapy can treat you in a particular way, they all work together to increase your well being. By taking care of all aspects of your health with holistic therapy, you are living your very best life.