Health & Fitness

7 Health Benefits Of Going Vegan

Veganism is no longer a new concept. This type of diet has been existing since 1944, and is currently being practiced by over 8% of the world population. With this diet, you’re required to refrain from eating any type of animal products, such as eggs, dairy, and meat.

7 Health Benefits Of Going Vegan

People go on a vegan diet for different reasons. While some do it to stop animal cruelty, others choose to take this direction as a way of going green. Some people also choose to go vegan to challenge the status quo or join the vegan revolution. Regardless of the reason, going vegan is a change worth making as this diet provides the following health benefits:

  1. Gain More And Better Nutrients

Your body needs nutrients to function properly. For one, nutrients can boost your immune system, improving your ability to fight off illnesses and diseases. You can acquire nutrients from numerous food sources, but whole foods, such as grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, remain to be the best ones.

Getting more and better nutrients is one of the biggest health benefits you can experience when you go vegan. Eliminating animal products from your diet and heavily relying on whole foods will allow you to get more antioxidants, fiber, folate, and beneficial plant compounds.

If your body requires specific nutrients, it should be easy for you to find the most ideal vegan recipe online for your needs.

  1. Lose Excess Weight

Being overweight can significantly affect your mental and physical health. When you’re overweight, you’ll become more susceptible to chronic disease, such as diabetes and arthritis. Excessive weight can also take a toll on your mental health as this can affect your body image and self-esteem.

Going vegan is a great way to prevent all of these from happening as this diet is more effective for weight loss than any other diets in the world today. Why’s that?  Well, several animal foods contain high amounts of calories and fats, so replacing all of these with low-calorie, plant-based foods will make it easier for you to lose weight. This is one of the reasons why vegans are usually thinner and have lower body mass indexes compared to non-vegans.

  1. Reduce Pain From Arthritis

Arthritis is a common illness that can adversely affect your ability to move. Arthritis can restrict the movement of the joints, and cause muscle weakness, as well as severe joint pain, stiffness, and tenderness. These symptoms will prevent you from being productive and stay active.

Going on a vegan diet can help you relieve symptoms associated with arthritis. Studies have supported the claim that a vegan diet can actually boost a person’s energy levels and lessen their susceptibility in experiencing the symptoms associated with arthritis. A vegan diet can also help improve a person’s general functioning, making it easy for them to move even with arthritis.

  1. Better Heart Health

Your heart slowly weakens as you start to age. During this time, your cardiovascular system is prone to developing life-threatening illnesses, as well. Aside from exercising regularly, a vegan diet can also improve your heart health.

Animal products, namely butter, cheese, and meat, are common sources of saturated fats. Consuming these foods regularly can increase your body’s cholesterol levels and puts you at risk of developing stroke and several other heart diseases.

You won’t have to worry about any of these when you choose to go vegan. As mentioned, a vegan diet will require you to only eat plant-based foods, which are packed with fiber that’s known to promote better heart health. Moreover, a vegan diet contains minimal amounts of calories, helping reduce the risk of you suffering from obesity, which can eventually cause inflammation in your cardiovascular system.

benefits of a vegan lifestyle

  1. Lower Risk Of Cancer

Cancer is often tagged as a silent killer because this disease doesn’t always come with visible symptoms. More often than not, people will get diagnosed with cancer when the disease is already in its worst state, and treatment can no longer guarantee their recovery.

For you to live a cancer-free life, start sticking to a vegan diet as soon as possible. According to studies, the vegan diet can reduce a person’s susceptibility to cancer by up to 15%. This health benefit stems from the fact that a vegan diet is high in vitamins, fiber, and phytochemicals that are known to protect a person against cancer.

  1. Improved Cognitive Functions

The brain is one of the most important organs of the body because it works by coordinating and controlling actions and emotions. Your brain is also responsible for your reactions, feelings, and thinking. Almost everything that makes you human is all because of your brain.

Going on a vegan diet is a great way to take care of your brain and its cognitive functions. Studies have claimed that people who often suffer from extreme and chronic migraine experience moderate improvements after regularly sticking to a vegan diet.

Moreover, a vegan diet is also known to improve one’s mental health and cognition because this diet contains phytochemicals that can boost the functions of the brain.

Lower intake of phytochemicals, on the other hand, can increase a person’s risk to stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.

  1. Healthier Skin

Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Healthy skin means a strong barrier that can prevent germs and bacteria from infecting any of your organs. If you want to ensure that your skin stays healthy for the longest time possible, it’s best if you stick to a vegan diet.

Acne and other skin problems are often associated with dairy products. These contain growth hormones and other artificial hormones that can interfere with your body’s natural hormone system. This can result in more frequent and severe acne breakouts.

You won’t have to consume any dairy products once you choose to go on a vegan diet. Over time, this can result in better and more glowing skin. This is especially true if your diet contains a lot of spinach, blueberries, avocadoes, and sweet potatoes.

Ask Pros For Help 

If you’re planning to go vegan, make sure that you schedule an appointment with your doctor first. Making drastic changes with your diet without seeking the help of a health professional can put your health and safety at risk.