Beauty & Fashion

4 Types of Clothing You Should Invest in During Quarantine

Being in quarantine has left a lot of us feeling restless and wondering what to do, what to buy and how to adjust to this new way of living. While you might not be able to go everywhere you used to before COVID-19 all but shut down our normal way of life, you can still shop online for clothes best suited for work, play or exercise.

4 Types of Clothing You Should Invest in During Quarantine

Despite our current circumstances, don’t let it stop you from getting dolled up or living your best life in comfort and style. Here are four types of clothing you should invest in during quarantine.

1. Work Tops

Companies like Target and Wal-Mart are seeing increased sales for tops. Pants? Not so much. Thanks to an uptick in telework, for many people wearing work pants isn’t a necessity. Now, if you have transitioned to a work-from-home role due to COVID-19, buying an assortment of work shirts may be necessary, especially if you have regular visits with your boss and colleagues via webcam.

Much like you would while working in an office setting, you want those business casual duds that make you look professional and clean-cut, yet still stylish. Opt for blouses or casual tops for those Zoom meetings — short-sleeved or sleeveless to be on the safe side. Just be sure to avoid T-shirts or anything that looks too casual.

2. Bodysuits

A bodysuit is another great clothing investment during quarantine. Indeed, bodysuits offer unparalleled versatility and comfort. And whether you’re enjoying a day at the beach or sitting down for an important virtual meeting, know that bodysuits come in a variety of styles that you can wear for any occasion.

The fact that you can dress them up or down makes bodysuits a must-have for summer. Pair it with a cute pair of shorts, legging, or a light jacket for a stunning outfit that’s perfect for summer. Find a few bodysuits to add to your wardrobe that helps add some excitement and flexibility to your closet.

3. Plenty of Pajamas

Staying home for extended periods of time means it’s time to start buying more loungewear. If you don’t plan to go outside much every day, why subject yourself to not being comfortable? Wearing your pajamas past noon is perfectly okay right now; no one’s judging you.

So, go ahead and get those five cute pajama sets you’ve been eyeing. You most definitely will wear each pair either to lay in bed and finish binging the final season of your favorite show or to simply complete some chores around the house. Regardless, they’ll be put to good use, so spring for a few good pairs.

4. Workout Gear

Now is the perfect time to start working out, as COVID has left us with few places to go and even fewer things to do. Getting your body back in shape is a great way to beat boredom while improving or maintaining your physical health. That means you will need plenty of workout gear, including leggings, tank tops, racerbacks, T-shirts, sleeveless shirts, sweatpants, sweatshirts or sports bras. Whatever you decide to wear while working out, make sure it’s breathable and that you can move around in it easily.

Dressing the Part

Since we’re working from home — and playing from home — more now, our wardrobe might not seem important. But finding ways to bring more happiness into your life by getting a few new pieces for your wardrobe is definitely not a crime. Whether that means shopping for a new bodysuit, casual worktop, workout gear or new pajamas, splurge a little and get what you need to live your life in style and comfort. Go get it, girl.