Health & Fitness

3 Ways to Ease and Manage the Symptoms of Pain

Whether you are recovering from an injury or living with a more permanent condition, pain of any kind isn’t a nice thing to have to contend with. Not only can it make day to day life more restrictive, but it can also affect your mental health, particularly if your recovery prognosis isn’t good. On the plus side, there are things you can do to make life a little more bearable. Here are 3 ways to ease and manage the symptoms of pain.

3 Ways to Ease and Manage the Symptoms of Pain

Weighted blankets

If you suffer from a chronic pain condition such as fibromyalgia and haven’t tried a weighted blanket yet, it’s an option worth considering. Many users have stated that they feel instant relief from their pain condition, and many liken it to being given a body-sized hug.

The blankets are made by stitching lots of poly pellets (usually made of plastic or glass) into individual pockets, thus creating even weight distribution throughout. Scientific research suggests that the deep touch therapy the blankets provide causes the brain to release serotonin, which can reduce pain levels.

Weighted blankets are also known to create a feeling of relaxation and make users sleep a lot better. So, if you regularly feel anxious or toss and turn a lot during the night, it could be worth giving them a try.

Full-spectrum CBD capsules

Studies have shown that CBD (short for cannabidiol) has anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate pain. Full-spectrum CBD capsules taken regularly, have also been reported to minimize the levels of discomfort pain sufferers experience. This is due to pain signal pathways to the brain being interrupted. CBD is also known to promote better sleep, which for many, would also be a welcomed relief.

Although prescription medication can do wonders for pain relief, strong painkillers can generate terrible side effects. Many people lose their appetite, feel sick, or can become disorientated and fatigued. CBD has little to no side effects, which is another reason why it’s so popular.

Keep an eye on your diet

When you are in pain, it’s very tempting to eat and drink things that bring you comfort. Perhaps you have a habit of grabbing a bar of chocolate on particularly bad days or numbing the pain with a glass of wine or two. Although it might feel good at the time, it won’t do you any favors in the long run.

Eating and drinking the wrong things regularly can affect your sleeping patterns. The less sleep we have, the more the pain can intensify. Unhealthy eating can also contribute to weight gain, which can cause lethargy and a lack of enthusiasm to do any exercise. A combination of these things can not only make you feel physically worse but may also take their toll on your mental health.

A healthy and balanced diet will keep your muscles and bones strong and could speed up your recovery. The odd indulgence now and again isn’t an issue, but if you make a habit out of it, you could regret it in the long run.