Beauty & Fashion

How To Tame Frizzy Hair

The darkest place in hell is reserved for those who created frizzy and dry hair. All of us have experienced frizzy hair and it’s something that can’t be handled easily. No matter what product you apply, which salon you go to, or whatever prayer you say, frizzy hair always comes back.

Understanding frizz and its causes are the first two steps in beating it. Frizz happens when your hair becomes too dry and it breaks off easily. It can be caused by heat, electricity, or even environmental pollutants. To tame frizzy hair, these factors must be avoided as much as possible.

How To Tame Frizzy Hair

Luckily, the tips highlighted here will help to tame your frizzy hair in a matter of minutes. Keep reading to find out what these are.

  1. Use Sulfate-Free Shampoos

One of the things you must pay attention to is the ingredients listed on your shampoo. If you see some sulfates in it, ditch it, and find another one. One way you’ll know if your shampoo has sulfates is if it bubbles every time you use it. Not only do sulfates create frizz but they also damage your hair in the long run. Sulfates strip off the natural oils in your hair, making it look dry and damaged.

Instead, look for shampoos that contain glycerin. The higher glycerin is listed in the list of ingredients, the more concentrated it is. Glycerin helps to combat frizz by penetrating through the hair and hydrating it from the inside. Glycerin also absorbs moisture in the air which creates a good coating to keep the moisture in your hair.

  1. Condition Your Hair

A great rule of thumb is to condition your hair twice the number of times you shampoo it. Conditioning your hair keeps the cuticles hydrated so that the moisture can seep in and hydrate your hair from the inside out. Also, look for conditioners that contain glycerin to help hydrate your hair and keep it moisturized. Most products for frizzy hair contain glycerin so that you don’t have a hard time managing this problem.

Another rule is to use the conditioner once or twice a week. Your hair doesn’t need to be shampooed every day. If you shampoo your hair every day,  its natural oils may be stripped off. Every two days skip the shampoo and use just the conditioner. What’s good about conditioners is that they contain oils that can attach to your hair, cleansing it properly.

  1. Avoid Rubbing Your Hair With Towel

Most of us rub our hair with a towel right after taking a bath. It turns out, the aggressive rubbing of the towel disrupts the cuticles of the hair, contributing to the frizz. Your hair is in its most vulnerable state when it’s wet. So, rubbing will damage your hair.

Instead, you can dry your hair by making a turban out of your towel to prevent friction frizz. It’s also very important to use the right fabric in drying your hair since most fabrics are abrasive and can damage the hair cuticles. You can use softer fabric towels such as an old cotton t-shirt or a microfiber towel.

  1. Avoid Using Too Much Heat

Too much heat can damage your hair and create frizz. When you apply heat on your hair, the cuticle that protects the keratin gets damaged, exposing the more brittle interior of your hair. This hair cuticle is essential since it makes all the stretchiness and waviness of each hair strand. Thus, when the cuticle gets damaged, your hair becomes dry, lifeless, and brittle.

The tip is to avoid using too much heat. Using lukewarm water, blow-drying your hair, and ironing it out can be a killer combo that can damage your hair. Instead, you can turn the temperature of your shower down. You can also use medium heat in blow-drying your hair.

The key is to limit your hair’s exposure to heat as much as possible.

  1. Use Boar Bristle Brushes

While drying your hair, you can use a boar bristle brush that has tense bristles to detangle your hair and even it out. These brushes can distribute the oils from your scalp to the tip and can promote hair health. Also, you can use your fingers to comb your hair to avoid friction frizz and maintain the strength of your hair.

Understanding frizz and its causes


These tips will surely help you to combat hair frizz that’s been annoying you since forever. Give these tips a try and witness your hair revive its life and maintain its health. The tricks highlighted here are your weapons to tame frizzy hair. From now on, every day will be a good hair day!