Travel Escapes

How to Travel Safely During the Pandemic

With COVID-19 vaccines being rolled out, everyone is hoping that this will be the end of a very challenging ordeal. We are all experiencing the fatigue of the imposed lockdowns. Many of us can not wait to bask in the sun with a cool drink in our hands or bring our children to the amusement parks. For those who are ready to venture out even with the virus still at bay, here are some tips to guide you while traveling. 

How to Travel Safely During the Pandemic
Photo credit: Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Do your research 

The key to a stress-free vacation is careful planning and preparation. Research the entry requirements of your desired destination. Check their website and take note of the places with travel bans, ongoing lockdowns, and their safety protocols. Keep yourself informed with the travel recommendations given by health authorities to know each country’s risk assessment level. 

Avoid going to multiple destinations and choose locations with fewer people. Since the virus spreads through close contact, consider an outdoor vacation instead of going to crowded cities. It is also relatively safer to travel by car since airplanes, trains, or buses have a higher exposure risk. If you are traveling by car, make sure to avoid high-traffic and populated rest-stops. Should you travel by air, look for airlines that offer travel insurance that covers COVID-19 related cases. Check the cancellation policy of your airline and make sure to have yourself tested before your flight. Make multiple copies of the negative certificate and fill out the necessary paperwork in advance. 

Set realistic expectations 

Setting realistic travel goals can save you from disappointment if ever your vacation did not go as planned. Traveling during the pandemic will be different, so be prepared for any last-minute changes and the unprecedented stress that comes with it. When choosing your lodging, opt for rentals or Airbnbs instead of hotels. Hotels have several shared spaces such as swimming pools, elevators, or lounge areas that can be a venue for infection. If you decide to stay in a hotel, make sure to check their cancellation policies and health protocols. Consider traveling to countries that suffered greatly, economically speaking, and remember to support local businesses in the area. Skip group tours and opt for a local private guide. 

Pack everything that you need 

If you are traveling by air, some airlines will provide you with wellness or hygiene kits but make sure to pack extra masks, alcohol, sanitizer, and PPE  in your carry-on luggage. Bring enough snacks and water since airport lounge areas and snack bars might be closed. Aside from the essentials, pack clothing according to your destination. Traveling during the pandemic does not have to be restrictive in terms of your outfits. You can go to the beach in style, wear sophisticated clothes at cafes, or sport your new hiking shoes. 

As several countries reopen their borders for tourists, in the hopes of reviving their tourism industry, it is important for us to be responsible travelers and be mindful of our actions. We need to embrace the art of slow travel and take this opportunity to create unforgettable memories with our loved ones.