Work & Finance

How to Get Started for Free?

Is it really possible to start your own online business for free? Absolutely! When first starting out, you really should use all of the free resources that are available to you. Even if you do have money to spend, use the free stuff first. Why? Do you like to waste your hard earned money? I didn’t think so. Your walking into a whole new world and you need to learn about it before you start spending your money. Remember the term, try it then buy it? Use this term before you spend one penny. In the long run this will save you Hundreds, if not Thousands of dollars. So how can you get started for free? 1. First, you have to think of what it is you want to do on here. What are your hobbies? What do you enjoy doing? Don’t be so quick as to come up with an answer. Give yourself a few days to really think about what you really want to do for the rest of your life. Then when you find your answer, you can begin your adventure. 2. Now that you know what you want to do, now you have to find other websites and ezines related to your topic. Go surfing around and look at other websites that are related to your content. As you get new ideas, write them down the moment you think of them. Really focus on the content and not the design of the websites. Next you need to go to some ezine directories and subscribe to a few ezines related to your topic. Read these ezines as you receive them, take in the info they provide, go take a look at some of the links they provided for you, and keep writing down your ideas. To search for a specific topic your looking for, go to any search engine and put in a keyword. Then a list of websites will popup and you can go surfing. Here’s a few ezine directories I use to find ezines I’m looking for. 3. Now you have your topic and some related content. Next you need to make a web-page. Even if it’s just one page, make it. Don’t worry about what it looks like at first. This is your first time trying this so just add your content, upload it, then edit as necessary. Tip: Don’t use to many graphics, it slows down the loading process dramatically. Use text links instead of graphics where possible. And watch your colors. If you can, use the white background with black text. Don’t use a light color for text and a dark color for your background. It really puts a strain on our eyes so try and stick with traditional colors. If you need a free host for your page, I recommend using Tripod. Includes extras other free hosts don’t offer.  No html required. 4. Now that you have your web-page up, you need to start advertising it to get some visitors. I don’t care what anyone says, ezines are the best places for advertising. Not only can you target your market but you can get your ad seen by thousands for a very small cost. There are ezines that accept free ads so if your low on money, this will be your best bet. Participate in the contests provided for even more free advertising. Free ads do work but the paid ads work better. Once you learn the things you need to learn, then you can start buying some ads. Don’t fret, ezines offer some incredible deals to advertisers at incredible prices. I really do Not recommend posting to hundreds of free classified and FFA sites. Yes, they used to work but just like in the real world, things do change. Don’t waste your time on things that don’t work. Use the tools that are Proven to work and then you’ll see results. Your time is precious and you should treat it as such. The only classified site I still use after 4 years is Adlandpro. You can submit your free ad and they also offer paid ads as low as $5. I also Highly suggest signing up for their affiliate program. This gives you your own classifieds and now you can offer that to your visitors. You can signup for free here: 5. I’ve seen some sites that say if you don’t have anything to sell, then signup at Clickbank and resell their products. This goes against what I believe which is try it before you resell it. If your really serious about having your own business, save yourself a lot of headaches and just buy a product or 2. Go look for something you can use yourself and buy it. There’s plenty of products out there that cost $20 or below. Give up just one night out and there’s your money for the products. That’s such a small sacrifice to pay but you would be surprised how many people Won’t do that. We all have to sacrifice something to get what we want but if we want it bad enough, then a sacrifice is a small price to pay. Especially if it’s one of your dreams. Don’t let Nothing hold you back. 6. If you really don’t have a few bucks to spend then what I recommend is you learning about one specific topic. It can be anything you want, just learn it and understand it. Once you’ve learned about that one topic, then start writing about it. Open up Notepad and type away. Don’t worry about errors, just write what your feeling. Let it flow out of you as it comes. Once your finished, read it from top to bottom. Did you understand it? Did it make sense to you? Do you know of anyone that can benefit from it? Of course you do! Now you have your Special Report to either sell, or giveaway and you now also have your Own product. 7. Now that your website is up and you’ve begun your advertising, it’s time to think about how your going to start building your own opt-in list. Why do you need such a list? Well who exactly did you plan on selling your products and services to? What better way to keep your visitors updated on new products or services added? If you want this business to work for the long term for you, your going to need your own list. There’s just no other way around this if you really want to be successful. This is where your own ezine or newsletter comes in. There’s not to much of a difference between the two other than, a newsletter is more of a way to keep visitors updated on the latest happening for that website. A ezine provides more resources and content. What do you base your ezine around? The same thing your website is based around. It can be whatever your heart desires. Your job is to provide resourceful content to your visitors and readers. That’s why I said go subscribe to a few ezines earlier. You can get your ideas from reading others. Don’t copycat, come up with your own. Experiment and try different things. Believe me, the more knowledgeable you become, the more changes you will make. You can start your ezine for free using these services:http://www.topica.com 8. More stuff to do I hear you say. If you don’t have anything to do, then your not working. There’s Always something to do when it comes to online business. Feeling bored? Then go learn something new. There are No boundaries when it comes to the internet. The doors are wide open just waiting for you to walk through them and discover something new. I just showed you how you can get started for free in this business. Now it’s your choice what you do with this information. Are you really ready to do this? Are you afraid it might not work? Don’t you think I was scared out of my wits when I first started? Man I was horrified! But look at me now. Now all I do is try and help others. Do you think I thought I would be here writing an article like this? I had no idea what was ahead. I just gave it a shot, stuck with it and here I am. It’s scary because it’s something new to you. You’ve never done this before so being scared is a Normal feeling. What you must do if you want to move forward is overcome those fears. Instead of being afraid of something, look at it in a different perspective. Think of it as a new journey you really want to learn about. You are a strong person and you can do this if it’s really what you want. The only thing holding you back is You. Don’t let You stand in the way of what could be, let You walk through the doors and experience this awesome thing they call Life. Last but not least, if you have a question then by all means, Ask it. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve come across who just gave up all because of something simple they were afraid to ask. If we never asked anything, we would  never learn anything. Believe me, there’s plenty of people  out there who would be more than willing to help you if you  just take the time to ask. Ask and you shall receive!