Work & Finance

How Not to Begin Your Internet Career!

When I first decided to start an Internet business it was a complete comedy of errors. I made every mistake a newbie can possibly make. If I missed one or two it was simply dumb luck. At that time I didn’t have any idea of what I really wanted to do. My lack of direction left me prey to all of the scams out there. I joined any program that sounded easy and promised quick money. (Just a little naive huh?) My bank account took a definite dip. It wasn’t just the “get-rich-quick” schemes I fell victim to! I also bought an impressive array of eBooks and eCourses – all of them containing information I HAD to have to be successful on the net. By the time I’d finished reading the first three or four of these I was suffering from a severe case of information overload. And . . . my bank account had taken yet another plunge. By then I was confused, depressed and broke. None of the programs I’d joined had brought in appreciable income. Every day, without fail, I was submitting hundreds of ads (all to safelists). I’d earned the grand sum of $2.50! That was when I almost quit – thankfully I didn’t. Instead I read a lot of free ezine articles, joined forums and bought a recommended (and affordable) course that showed me what I was doing wrong and how to correct it. I still haven’t made a fortune but I am building a solid business I enjoy. I continue to learn from my mistakes – no, I don’t have it all down perfectly yet. Despite all of the ads that tell you differently, I don’t think there is a magic formula for success on the Internet. But I do believe that taking the following steps will help you along the right path. * Get to know people who are successful and whom you respect. Ask questions. Get recommendations for resources and methods they find helpful. * Start out with just one or two programs you have researched and believe will fit your goals. This will allow you to focus your efforts – and save you money. * Define your potential customers. Get inside their skin. Figure out what they want. Then target your advertising to reach them. * Track your ads to find out where your responses are coming from. Get rid of advertising that isn’t working. * Most of all, remember that any legitimate business takes time and effort to build. Success isn’t going to come overnight. Keep your goals in mind constantly. Promote your business consistently and . . . don’t give up! Remember this: “If you could get up the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.” — David Viscott