Beauty & Fashion

4 Out of the Box Ways to Take Better Care of Your Body in 2022

With the new year finally here, there is absolutely no better time to make some changes to improve your life.

Some of the most popular new year’s resolutions involve taking better care of your body in various ways to improve your overall health and wellbeing. We’ve got a few different ideas for goals and resolutions you can set for 2022 that will help you to take better care of your body.

Take Better Care of Your Body in 2022

Switch Up Your Products

Many people are concerned about the foods they eat and the effects that these will have on their bodies. However, what about the other products that we use? Beauty products, hygiene products, makeup, all of these can impact our health too.

In 2022, start paying closer attention to the materials and ingredients in the products you use. Make the switch to use items like Yoppie organic tampons, natural soaps, paraben-free hair products and makeup with ingredients that align with your personal needs.

Limit Your Screen Time

Instagram and Facebook can be many things. They can act as a form of escape, a de-stressor or help you to wind down. They can provide inspiration and motivation and even education on certain topics.

However, for the most part, they’re usually just an unhealthy distraction. Social media apps are designed to keep you sucked in and never let you go, impacting your productivity and even damaging your mood and attitude.

Deciding to actively limit your screen time will not only benefit your mental health but can help ease headaches and eye strain, improve your sleep and leave you with more time to focus on healthier habits like reading, cooking or spending time with loved ones. Ditch the smartphone in 2022.

Eat the Cookie

This year, instead of swearing off sugar for good and intending to live off chicken and broccoli for all eternity, try to adopt a more balanced mindset for your new year diet resolution.

It’s definitely important to focus on healthy foods and loads of vegetables, and if you’re trying to lose weight you’ll need to reduce your carbs and sugar. However, cutting them out completely usually isn’t the answer.

Focusing mainly on healthy meals and allowing yourself a cookie or slice of cake here and there is a good way to help you maintain your healthy habits long term. Complete restriction will only lead to binging a few weeks down the line, so allowing yourself some fun foods throughout the week will help you avoid completely ruining your diet on the weekend.

Clean Your Home

The cleanliness of our homes plays a bigger role in our physical health than we might think. While diet and exercise resolutions are tempting in January, perhaps it’s time to make a resolution to regularly deep clean our homes.

Getting rid of dust and any potential mould build-ups can be beneficial for your breathing. Mould hiding behind walls and beneath carpets can actually make you ill, so it’s a good idea to have your home checked out, cleaned and well-maintained throughout the year.