Beauty & Fashion

7 Ways to look After Your Physical Appearance

We can’t all look like movie stars and what a dull world it would be if we all did.  As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we’re all beautiful to someone, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take care of your appearance. We all age, but if you take care of yourself, age will bring with it its own particular beauty.  Here then are some suggestions to help you look great and feel great about your appearance.

7 Ways to look After Your Physical Appearance
  1. Live, laugh and love

It may be a corny old saying but it’s not a bad motto to live by.  How you cope with the stress of modern living is going to have a huge impact on your health and appearance.  A positive mindset, an enthusiasm for life and a smile on your face will go a long way to keeping you looking and feeling young.

  • Drink plenty of water

What could be simpler and yet so many of us go about our lives in a state of permanent dehydration.  Drinking water is a key ingredient of physical health. It’s essential for good kidney function, it lubricates joints, it helps you think better, and it can even help with weight loss.  In terms of appearance, drinking plenty of water will ensure that your skin stays in great shape.

  • Wear sunglasses

People think that UV protection is only important in the height of summer, but that’snot the case.  UV levels are present all year round, so to prevent ageing around the eyes and potential eye damage, you should be wearing sunglasses even when the sun is low.  In snowy climates the glare from reflected sunlight can be very intense, so sunglasses are essential.  For those of us who require a prescription for our eyes, prescription sunglasses offer the same relief as normal sunglasses.

  • Face masks

Face masks are fun and a great way to keep your skin looking fresh.  Why not spend a chilled night in with your friends, looking a fright in a face mask, drinking smoothies and watching movies?

  • Alcohol and cigarettes will age you

There’s no way around this one.  Smoking and drinking not only lead to a wide range of health problems but they will also rapidly age your skin.  If these are your preferred vices, then everything you can do to reduce your consumption is a good thing.

  • Apply sunscreen

Using sunscreen will prevent your skin from wrinkling and help protect you from skin cancer.  And remember, the sun is potentially dangerous at all times of the year, so sunscreen is not just for when you’re on your summer holidays. Don’t opt for a sunscreen with an SPF that’s too low.  Know your SPF.

  • Apply moisturising creams and balms

It’s recommended that you try to moisturise your face twice a day.  Do not over moisturise as this can hinder skin recovery and protection so be sure and stick to the instructions.  Aloe Vera creams are highly recommended.