Beauty & Fashion

5 Skin Conditions You Can Prevent Easily

Skin problems are never fun, and when the warm weather begins, it’s almost impossible to get rid of blemishes. The dry conditions mixed and ample sweat caused by hot weather can clog your pores and make you break out in all sorts of ways. Prevention is the key to getting rid of skin problems, so by focusing on taking care of your skin you can prevent these breakouts.

5 Skin Conditions You Can Prevent Easily

Here’s our guide to the best way to prevent common skin problems.

1. Acne

Acne occurs due to the mixture of sweat, oils and bacteria on our skin and results in infections within our pores. Some people are more prone to acne than others, resulting in more frequent breakouts and discomfort. Whether you’re prone to acne or not, you can prevent it altogether by frequently blotting sweat from your skin rather than wiping it, and washing your sweaty clothes, towels and hats before using them. The addition of an oil free skin care product can also help too.

2. Skin tags

Skin tags are small, soft pieces of hanging skin that is quite common no matter the skin type. Though completely harmless, skin tags can get in the way and can cause pain and irritation when rubbed or scratched frequently. You can avoid the development of skin tags by improving your overall health, avoiding tight clothing and reducing friction. Skin tags can also be removed using the products outlined at Skintagsgone. Whether you’re preventing or removing skin tags, your skin will look clearer and healthier.

3. Dry skin

There’s no avoiding dry skin, particularly in certain climate zones. It can be caused by being in the sun, but also by frequently using air conditioning. In order to avoid dry skin, you should use mild cleansers when you bathe and carry a moisturizer with you. In addition, you should ensure that you use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30+.

4. Folliculitis

The pores on your body that grow hairs are called follicles, and when they are infected you develop folliculitis. This condition looks like small pimples or goose bumps, but they are very itchy and can cause tenderness. To avoid folliculitis, you should immediately change out of tight clothing after you work out, and not use hot tubs where you aren’t certain that the chemicals are controlled.

5. Hives

If you are super sensitive to anything, then you’ve probably experienced hives before. Hives are an allergic reaction whereby your body is hypersensitive to a particular allergen. Allergens can come in many forms, from the fabric softener you use to the type of fiber in the clothing you’re wearing. Avoidance of these allergens is the best way to prevent hives, and you’ll be way more comfortable if you do.

Skin conditions can cause a lot of discomfort in life, especially if you are prone to them. You can treat the skin condition, but prevention might be a more attractive option. By using our guide, you can learn how to prevent several common skin problems and maintain healthier skin.