Love & Relationships

Forgiveness – Oprah and Deepak Meditation Challenge Day 20

Continuing on the topic of ‘letting go‘, day 20 of the 21 day challenge to better relationships hosted by Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra focused on forgiveness.

Forgiveness - Oprah and Deepak Meditation Challenge Day 20

Letting Go

To be wronged is nothing, unless you continue to remember it.”

Deepak reminded us today that “Letting Go” is a choice. We choose to limit ourselves to other people when we choose to hold on to hurt and resentment. Forgiveness begins with the awareness that what we perceive as wrong and hurtful is actually the ego’s point of view about that action.

If we want to experience loving, life-long relationships, we need to be able to let go of grievances, hostility, and anger. These feelings keep us mired in the past and weighed down with emotional pain. Ultimately, forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves. We free ourselves from the chains of past and move ahead towards a loving life.

One important thing that Deepak mentioned in his discourse was what can actually help with practicing forgiveness. When hurt, we need to have faith that nature will balance the situation later in life. This thought alone is capable of helping you to let go and move on. There is very little we can do against God’s will. Let us rather trust God to put things right when he thinks it is right.

Maintaining Boundaries

I had mixed thoughts when listening about ‘forgiveness’, but Deepak’s next few words gave me a lot of peace of mind. As you will see, you can continue to be ‘mortallyimperfect’ and still forgive and get on with your life. It is important to remember that forgiving is different from condoning an action that created pain for us or for others. Healthy relationships require healthy boundaries and are an important part of loving and honoring ourselves and each other. We can practice forgiveness even when we have chosen to discontinue a relationship due to unacceptable behavior. Sometimes we have to forgive someone many times before we finally let go of all the emotional residue of the past. Once we take steps to restore peace in our heart, we will feel a shift. We will feel lighter as we expand our capacity for love, compassion, and healing.

Forgiving Ourselves

Is there someone in your life you that you have not forgiven? In many cases, the person we most need to forgive is ourselves.  Today have the intention to practice forgiveness. Encourage even the slightest hints of forgiveness, release, and compassion.  If feelings of hurt and anger arise, tell yourself, I am willing to see this situation with love. I am willing to let go. Be gentle and patient with yourself as you hold the intention to heal and forgive.


The centering thought for the day was:

Forgiveness is for me. Forgiveness sets me free.

After focusing on the centering thought, we began our meditation. Our Sanskrit mantra for the day was “Om Vardhanam Namah” which means “I nourish the universe and the universe nourishes me.”