Home & Garden

Surefire Ways to Pest Proof Your Home

No homeowner wants to open a pantry door to discover that ants have invaded containers of foodstuffs or to find telltale mice droppings in the closet. Even the most fastidious housekeeper will have to employ a few surefire pest control strategies in order to keep her home from becoming an attractive nesting place for insects, termites, rodents and other pests drawn to an easy source of warmth, shelter and food.

Surefire Ways to Pest Proof Your Home

Keeping the screens covering your home’s doors and windows in good repair discourages both flying and crawling pests from easy entry into your house. Make certain that all doors leading in and out of your home seal tight, because even the smallest space where light or air can pass through is ample enough to enable pests to get inside. Invest in a tube of caulking from the local hardware store, then check the foundation as well as exterior walls of your house to seal up any cracks which can invite entry of unwanted guests. Don’t forget to add a seal around such things as dryer vents and utility lines.

Attics and basements provide the perfect nesting place for birds, mice and bats, along with even bigger invaders such as squirrels or raccoons. Not only do these creatures bring additional pests such as fleas and mites into your home, they pollute the air you breath and increase the risk of spreading disease among everyone living in your home. If your house has an attic or crawl space, an effective pest control measure to take is to put a protective barrier against any open vents using mesh material specifically designed for this purpose.

Take a walk through your home to check and see if there are any visible or hidden moisture leaks. Pests of all shapes and sizes are attracted to humidity and you may inadvertently be providing them with a spa environment due to a slow leak in a pipe or failing to waterproof your basement, encouraging water to puddle there after every heavy rainstorm. Ensure that water drains away from your property, that your gutter system is in good repair, and that you install a dehumidifier if necessary to remove excess moisture from an attic or basement to discourage attracting pests.

Keep food consumption confined to the kitchen and dining room to avoid tracking food particles all through the house which attract pests. Keep food storage containers tightly sealed and discard food waste quickly and securely. Take out any accumulated garbage nightly and make sure it’s sealed in a container with a locking lid to prevent larger critters from invading your garbage bags to enjoy a nightly picnic. If you have indoor pets, remove uneaten food from their bowls promptly.

Keep your yard and landscaping well trimmed and eliminate any standing water to prevent mosquito infestations. Keep woodpiles away from your house to avoid termite infestation. If you suspect you need termite control, it’s best to consult a professional termite control service for an in-home inspection. Remove leaves and other debris from your lawn and make sure tree branches and shrubs aren’t touching your house, to avoid making an easy entry bridge for uninvited pests.