Parenting & Family

Top 5 Reasons Why to Choose Organic European Baby Formula

Feeding our children fully organic can be difficult, but if we equip our babies and their worlds with a solid foundation, we can feel better about where they will end up because we gave them a strong start. Organic baby formula is an excellent foundation for our babies. Even more so choosing organic formula from Europe. Here are our top 5 reasons why European organic formula is the best option:

Top 5 Reasons Why to Choose Organic European Baby Formula
  1. No added or artificial sugars (high fructose corn-syrup)

Organic European formula does not add any artificial sweeteners or synthetic sugars to their products, keeping in only the natural sugars. Did you know that the first ingredient in traditional American baby formula is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)? That is the first red flag for parents and why organic, specifically organic European Formula is the best. HFCS is an artificial, synthetic sweetener and it has been linked to a number of diseases. It primarily destroys natural gut bacteria that lead to auto-immune diseases such as lupus and inflammatory conditions such as: eczema, asthma, and allergies. In addition, HFCS has also been linked to obesity and even mental health imbalances such as chronic anxiety and other mood disorders. That is not an ingredient best suited for baby’s developing minds and bodies.

  • No exposure to pesticides, herbicides, or added hormones

The milk derived from organic cows is simply cleaner. Part of being able to consider a product organic is being able to prove that the cows are not being exposed to harmful chemicals. Pesticides are toxins, herbicides are toxins- these chemicals are often found in “non-organic” cows. The suffix “-cide” means to kill in Latin, that alone tells us we need to know about the purpose of the toxins. Organic formula also excludes added hormones. Non-organic cows are often pumped with hormones to initiate development; these hormones end up heavily in the cow’s blood stream, then the cow’s milk, and end up in our baby’s non-organic formula.

  • Eco-friendly, promotes humane treatment

Choosing organic means you are also choosing to honor humane treatment of cows. The process and environment that non-organic cows endure are less humane to say the least. Organic cows are fed naturally and kept away from harsh medical intervention such as hormone and antibiotic pumping, forced development instead of natural development, and they are significantly less exposed to harmful chemicals.

  • Gentle on your baby

Natural ingredients usually settle better in your baby too. By decreasing the synthetic chemicals and artificial sweeteners, you are choosing a more gentle feeding option for your baby’s belly. It is easier to digest without interrupting the natural biome in your baby’s gut, allowing for more comfortable, healthier, and happier babies.

  • Additional Certification

In order to be considered an organic product, additional certification is required; this means the standard is by default higher. But it doesn’t just end with organic certification. In the EU, they have yearly meetings about the ingredients (organic or not) that are actually considered safe for infants. Unfortunately, the US does not consistently ensure the most recent research is considered in the production of infant food. As such, American formulas can be labeled organic and have terrible ingredients for babies as long as they have the organic version of that ingredient. For example, organic sugar meets USDA quality standards, but organic or not, sugar is still bad for babies.


No longer are the days of our mothers where they could blindly trust in the products at the grocery store, believing the industry has what’s best in mind in the creation of their products. It seems like these days everything comes with added suspicion, and stress on making the right and more informed decision for our families. Though one amazing tool we have at our constant disposal is each other, our voices are loud when we come together to share what we know, to better the lives around us. We have options. We have the gift of knowledge which has opened the doors to options for important matters like feeding our babies the best option on the market: organic European formula from The Milky Box.