
The Smart Way to Prepare for the Birth of Your Baby

As your pregnancy draws to a close and the time for the birth of your baby draws near, you may think that you’re more than ready for the arrival of the new family member. But if this is the first time you’re giving birth, you can certainly benefit from a little advice from those who’ve gone before you. The only problem is that unless they’ve given the matter a lot of thought, they may neglect to tell you some things you really need to know. We look at some of the things you (and they) may not have considered so far.

How Pregnancy Changes Your Body

Pack Your Hospital Bag

Your medical team may have given you some advice as to what your hospital bag should contain, but there are definitely a few extras that will make your life a lot easier. Compile a checklist of hospital bag essentials and extras and have your bag packed and ready to go. Some of the things you’ll need are absolute musts, but those extras that will help you to look and feel good are important too. Yes, birth is about your baby, but it’s also about you and a few little luxuries in hospital will give your spirits a much-needed lift.

Expecting? Be Expected

If you’re able to have a natural childbirth, you won’t know exactly when you’ll go into labor – although there are a few telltale signs that will tell you the time is approaching. All the same, it’s good to know that the hospital is expecting your arrival. Pre-register and keep the necessary phone numbers handy so that you can give the hospital a heads up when you’re on your way. Have a contingency plan for transportation so that nothing can go wrong, even if the family car chooses the worst possible moment to act up – you don’t need last-minute stress!

Gear up Your Support-Base

For thousands of years, women have depended on more experienced mothers to advise them during pregnancy and after childbirth. That hasn’t changed. Ask a family member or friend to be your mentor. She’ll be your go-to whenever you have questions, concerns, or just need a sympathetic ear from someone who knows what you’re going through as a new mother. If you’re far away from your support-base, or aren’t sure if the people you know will give good advice, consider hiring a doula. A doula is a certified professional who may even offer better support than loved ones because she is up to speed with all the best practices and has been specifically trained to give new mothers advice and support both before and after childbirth.

Minimize Stress; Maximize Relaxation

It’s natural for moms to be nervous about giving birth, especially when it’s the very first time. However, stress and tension will only make labor and childbirth more difficult. If you’ve been attending classes, you’ll have learned some relaxation techniques to help you during labor, but you can add to this by keeping a few familiar items near you in hospital, listening to soothing music, and having loved ones nearby. If you didn’t attend classes, try giving yourself a crash course now. Simple tips like walking to reduce pain can help you to reduce pain and stress during labor.

Prepare Some Treats for When You Get Home

You’ll have been shopping like crazy to make sure your baby has everything he or she needs – but what about you? You deserve some pampering too! Prepare a post-birth package for yourself that includes a few of your favorite things and think about activities to spoil yourself with as soon as you’re ready to get out and about. Reward yourself. You deserve it!