
How to Fit Fertility Plans into Your Busy Schedule (Without Making Any Compromises)

For as long as you can remember, you’ve been in control of every aspect of your life. From always finding time for your routine hair appointments to balancing your work and social life, you’ve successfully juggled plenty of balls without dropping one.

Until now.

The day you received your negative fertility diagnosis, those balls may have started to drop around you – one by one. You didn’t get to your hair appointment because you had to fit in a meeting about your fertility options, and your social life’s taken a turn for the worse as you struggle to cope with your recent news.

How to Fit Fertility Plans into Your Busy Schedule (Without Making Any Compromises)

It doesn’t need to be this way.

Here’s how you can regain control over your life without making any compromises.

1. Create a Schedule That Works for You

If you’re renowned for to-do lists, organizational skills, and never missing a meeting, creating a new schedule to include your fertility treatments is the way to go.

This will help you feel like you’ve taken back control over your life and have everything planned out to a tee. Include everything from social nights with friends to time at the gym, so you know you’re keeping everything balanced and canaccomplish everything you want.

But won’t your fertility treatment dictate your schedule?

No, it doesn’t have to.

Your fertility treatment can fit in your life. For example, if you opt for frozen donor eggs, you can allocate a six-week period in your schedule to undergo the treatment. This is because frozen donor egg IVF doesn’t require time-consuming trips to and from your donor’s clinic, nor does your cycle need synchronizing with your donors. Rather, you can determine exactly when you want your treatment to start. Home insemination with donor sperm is a straightforward process with many benefits.

The best part?

This allows you to not only plan your fertility treatment, but your pregnancy as well.

2. Don’t Feel Like You Need to Compromise

Compromising is something many of us working women find difficult. We’ve worked so hard to gain a great business reputation and we haven’t done it by compromising.

Just because you have fertility treatments to juggle now doesn’t mean you need to start compromising to please everyone.

Need to cancel your lunch date so you can work an extra hour to make up for a doctor’s appointment? Want to have some time to yourself before your next fertility treatment, which means rescheduling your gym session?

Do it.

Stick to your schedule and make sure you feel like you can say no. Feeling as though you’re keeping everything balanced and controlled is imperative to staying stress-free and healthy throughout your treatment.

3. Take Time Out for Yourself

While it’s important for you to feel in control throughout this process, it’s also important that you don’t overdo it.

If there’s one thing you definitely shouldn’t compromise on, it’s your own health and well-being.

Going through fertility treatment can take its toll on you, mentally and physically. Be sure to schedule in time for yourself. Use this time to reflect, gather your thoughts, and keep yourself grounded. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Whether you need a day off from work to relax and unwind at your local spa, or you simply feel overwhelmed and need to talk to someone, reach out to those around you for their love and support.

You can still be independent without going it alone.

This is Your Body, Your Pregnancy, Your Baby

While you may feel like your infertility diagnosis has taken control out of your hands, the above are some of the simplest ways you can regain control. This may entail moving obligations or commitments around, asking for help, and introducing a new schedule – but it doesn’t have to involve compromises you don’t want to make.

Life inevitably involves sacrifices (you may have to remove one of those balls you’ve been juggling while you focus on your treatment), but these provide the biggest rewards. When you hold your newborn baby in your arms, you’ll have made your biggest success story to date –all by taking control back over your body, pregnancy, and baby.