Parenting & Family

How To Get Your Kids Sleeping Quick

It’s not easy working out how to get your kids sleeping quickly, but that doesn’t make it any less important to try and accomplish. Healthy children need anywhere between nine to ten hours of sleep every night to feel well-rested. Instilling the value of good sleep hygiene on your child is going to help with ensuring your child understands to prioritize their rest properly.

Whether it’s finding the best mattress for kids, that you can find from, or simply coming up with a bedtime routine that your child is going to be genuinely excited by, here are some top tips for getting your kids sleeping quicker and comfier than ever –

How To Get Your Kids Sleeping Quick

Finding The Best Sleep Set-Up For A Good Night’s Rest

The best mattress for kids is a good place to start when it comes to ensuring your kid’s sleeping gets better and quick. So where do you find the best mattress for kids, and how do you know whether or not it’s a good fit for your children?

One way to pick out the best mattress for kids is to think about whether your children have any specific issues with sleep that you might be able to address. For instance, if your child is a hot sleeper, and tends to toss back and forth or deals with a severe case of night sweats, then you’re going to want a cooling option for better rest.

The best mattress for kids isn’t just one that caters to hot sleepers, however. To ensure you really do have the best mattress for kids, you’ll want to make sure you’re able to strike a good balance between comfort and support through the night. It is especially important growing children receive a good night’s sleep since this is what leads to proper rest.

Developing Healthy Sleep Hygiene Habits

After you’re confident you’ve found the best mattress for kids, another key component to ensure your kids sleeping peacefully is encouraging them to develop healthy sleep hygiene habits. These can include-

  • Set a wake-up time – Having a consistent time to get out of bed every morning is really important when you’re trying to set proper wake-up times for a good night’s sleep. Using a sleep calculator to do this can be useful since you’ll be able to factor in your child’s different sleep cycles as you’re setting a time. If you find your kids sleeping through their alarm, remember that an inconsistent sleep schedule can be a main factor in difficult sleeping later in the night.
  • Incorporate a relaxing bedtime routine – One of the best things you can do to keep your child’s sleep routine regimented is to incorporate a bedtime routine they genuinely look forward to. Whether it’s reading a bedtime story together, practicing a little mindfulness, or having a cup of warm milk before brushing teeth, a sense of routine and habit association is going to help enormously when you want to keep your child sleeping better.
  • Remind them to clean-up – The best mattress for kids is going to take everything into account, including allergens. Hypoallergenic materials prevent your kids from tossing and turning all night because of a bad case of the sniffles. Encouraging your children to clean up every night will prevent dust or any other external allergens to accumulate and affect their sleep.
  • Adhere to a no-screens rule – To keep your kids sleeping, be sure to have a strict no devices rule before bedtime. The blue light present in our devices can actually cause a disruption in the production of melatonin, a hormone that’s essential if you’re trying to get a good night’s sleep. Though it might be tempting to let your kids scroll through their tablets or watch a little TV before they go to bed, this can have a pretty harmful impact on their sleep cycle overall.
  • Keep their bedrooms cool – It isn’t just light that can affect the overall quality of your child’s sleep – a cool bedroom can also make a world of difference to their sleep cycle. The ideal temperature to make sure you’ll find your kids sleeping through the night is anywhere between sixty-five to seventy Fahrenheit at night.

These tactics are going to make it a lot easier to get a proper night’s sleep. Implementing these changes to your child’s bedtime routine can make them look forward to a comfy night’s sleep more than ever.

How To Keep Your Kids Sleeping Cozier Than Ever

It’s normal for your children to take a while before arriving at a sleep schedule that is comfortable to them, and finding the best mattress for kids can take a little time and effort. Remember that it’s normal for the process to involve a little trial and error before you find the perfect fit for you and your child’s bedroom.

When trying to encourage your own kids to build healthy sleep hygiene habits, there are a few ways you can incentivize and thereby encourage them to do better. Try using the star system – reward your kids with a stickers every time they get their bedtime routine done in its entirety, and add fun ‘prizes’ every five stickers they collect for something to look forward to.

When it comes to kids sleeping, you might also want to consider investing in a nightlight. If your children are anxious sleepers, nightlights and other supportive sleep accessories can make a significant difference to the overall quality of their rest.

While getting your kids sleeping is never going to be easy, with a couple of these practices, it’s going to be made a lot simpler. Teaching your children how to value sleep as a cornerstone of wellbeing is going to serve them well as they grow older into adults.

Whether it’s by finding the best mattress for kids, creating a bedtime routine that is genuinely calming, or toughening up about the amount of screentime your child gets before going to sleep, your little ones are going to be snoozing before you know it.